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man XmStringCreateLocalized(3)
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XmStringCreateLocalized(library call)    XmStringCreateLocalized(library call)


       XmStringCreateLocalized  --  A  compound string function that creates a
       compound string in the current locale


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       XmString XmStringCreateLocalized(
       char *text);


       XmStringCreateLocalized creates a compound string containing the speci-
       fied  text  in the current language environment.  An identical compound
       string would  result  from  the  function  XmStringCreate  called  with
       XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG explicitly as the tag component.

       The  function will allocate space to hold the returned compound string.
       The application is responsible for managing the allocated  space.   The
       application can recover the allocated space by calling XmStringFree.

       text      Specifies  a  NULL-terminated  string  of text encoded in the
                 current language environment to be used as the text component
                 of the compound string


       Returns a new compound string.



                                         XmStringCreateLocalized(library call)

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