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man XmStringPutRendition(3)
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XmStringPutRendition(library call)          XmStringPutRendition(library call)


       XmStringPutRendition  --  A convenience function that places renditions
       around strings


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       XmString XmStringPutRendition(
       XmString string,
       XmStringTag rendition);


       XmStringPutRendition   places    matching    Xm_STRING_COMPONENT_RENDI-
       TION_BEGIN  and  XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_END components containing
       rendition around string. The original string is preserved.

       string    Specifies the compound string to which begin and  end  rendi-
                 tion components should be added.

       rendition Specifies  the rendition tag to be used in an XmSTRING_COMPO-
                 NENT_RENDITION_BEGIN component which will begin the  returned
                 string  and  in an XmSTRING_COMPONENT_RENDITION_END component
                 which will end it.


       Returns a new compound string.  The function allocates  space  to  hold
       this  returned  compound  string.  When the application no longer needs
       the returned compound string, the application should call XmStringFree.



                                            XmStringPutRendition(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Wed Dec 3 16:54:06 CST 2008
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