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man XmTabListRemoveTabs(3)
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XmTabListRemoveTabs(library call)            XmTabListRemoveTabs(library call)


       XmTabListRemoveTabs  -- A convenience function that removes noncontigu-
       ous tabs


       #include <Xm/Xm.h>
       XmTabList XmTabListRemoveTabs(
       XmTabList oldlist,
       Cardinal *position_list,
       Cardinal position_count);


       XmTabListRemoveTabs removes noncontiguous tabs from a  tab  list.   The
       function  creates a new tab list by copying the contents of oldlist and
       removing all tabs whose corresponding positions  appear  in  the  posi-
       tion_list  array.   A warning message is displayed if a specified posi-
       tion is invalid; for example, if the value is a number greater than the
       number of tabs in the tab list.

       tablist   Specifies the tab list.  The function deallocates oldlist and
                 the tabs it contains after extracting the  required  informa-

                 Specifies  an  array  of the tab positions to be removed. The
                 position of the first tab in the list is 0 (zero), the  posi-
                 tion of the second tab is 1, and so on.

                 Specifies the number of elements in the position_list.


       If  oldlist  or  position_list  is NULL, or position_count is 0 (zero),
       returns oldlist. Otherwise, this function returns  the  new  tab  list.
       The function allocates space to hold the returned tab list.  The appli-
       cation is responsible for managing the allocated space.   The  applica-
       tion can recover the allocated space by calling XmTabListFree.


       XmTabList(3) and XmTabListFree(3).

                                             XmTabListRemoveTabs(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Wed Dec 3 18:33:09 CST 2008
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