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man XmTextFieldPaste(3)
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XmTextFieldPaste(library call)                  XmTextFieldPaste(library call)


       XmTextFieldPaste  --  A  TextField  function that inserts the clipboard


       #include <Xm/TextF.h>
       Boolean XmTextFieldPaste(
       Widget widget);


       XmTextFieldPaste inserts the clipboard selection at the insertion  cur-
       sor  of  the  destination  widget.  If XmNpendingDelete is True and the
       insertion cursor is inside the current selection, the clipboard  selec-
       tion replaces the selected text.

       This  routine  calls the widget's XmNvalueChangedCallback and verifica-
       tion callbacks, either XmNmodifyVerifyCallback or  XmNmodifyVerifyCall-
       backWcs,  or  both. If both verification callback lists are registered,
       the procedures of the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback list are  executed  first
       and  the  resulting  data  is  passed to the XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs

       This routine calls the widget's XmNdestinationCallback procedures  with
       the  selection  member  of the XmDestinationCallbackStruct set to CLIP-
       BOARD and with the operation member set to XmCOPY.  If the XmNcursorPo-
       sition  resource  is  greater than or is the same value as the position
       where the selection is to be inserted, the  XmNmotionVerifyCallback  is

       widget    Specifies the TextField widget ID.

       For  a  complete  definition of TextField and its associated resources,
       see XmTextField(3).


       This function returns False if no transfers take place.  Otherwise,  it
       returns True.



                                                XmTextFieldPaste(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Wed Dec 3 19:58:17 CST 2008
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