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man XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(3)
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XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(library call)    XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(library call)


       XmTextFieldSetStringWcs  -- A TextField function that sets a wide char-
       acter string value


       #include <Xm/TextF.h>
       void XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(
       Widget widget,
       wchar_t *wcstring);


       XmTextFieldSetStringWcs sets the wide character  string  value  of  the
       TextField  widget. This routine calls the widget's XmNvalueChangedCall-
       back and verification callbacks, either XmNmodifyVerifyCallback or XmN-
       modifyVerifyCallbackWcs,  or  both. If both verification callback lists
       are registered, the procedures of the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback list  are
       executed first and the resulting data is passed to the XmNmodifyVerify-
       CallbackWcs callbacks. It also sets the insertion  cursor  position  to
       the beginning of the string and calls the widget's XmNmotionVerifyCall-
       back callbacks.

       widget    Specifies the TextField widget ID

       wcstring  Specifies the wide character string value

       For a complete definition of TextField and  its  associated  resources,
       see XmTextField(3).


       XmTextField(3) and XmTextFieldSetString(3).

                                         XmTextFieldSetStringWcs(library call)

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