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man XmTextGetSubstring(3)
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XmTextGetSubstring(library call)              XmTextGetSubstring(library call)


       XmTextGetSubstring  --  A Text function that retrieves a copy of a por-
       tion of the internal text buffer


       #include <Xm/Text.h>
       int XmTextGetSubstring(
       Widget widget,
       XmTextPosition start,
       int num_chars,
       int buffer_size,
       char *buffer);


       XmTextGetSubstring retrieves a copy of a portion of the  internal  text
       buffer  of  a  Text  widget.  The function copies a specified number of
       characters from a given start position in the internal text buffer into
       a  buffer  provided  by the application. A NULL terminator is placed at
       the end of the copied data.

       The size of the required buffer depends on the maximum number of  bytes
       per  character  (MB_CUR_MAX)  for  the current locale.  MB_CUR_MAX is a
       macro defined in stdlib.h. The buffer should be large enough to contain
       the  substring  to  be  copied and a NULL terminator. Use the following
       equation to calculate the size of buffer the  application  should  pro-

       buffer_size = (num_chars* MB_CUR_MAX) + 1

       widget    Specifies the Text widget ID.

       start     Specifies  the  beginning  character  position from which the
                 data will be retrieved. This is an integer number of  charac-
                 ters from the beginning of the text buffer. The first charac-
                 ter position is 0 (zero).

       num_chars Specifies the number of characters to be copied into the pro-
                 vided buffer.

                 Specifies the size of the supplied buffer in bytes. This size
                 should account for a NULL terminator.

       buffer    Specifies the character buffer into which the  internal  text
                 buffer will be copied.

       For  a  complete  definition  of Text and its associated resources, see


                 The function was successful.

                 The function failed because it was unable to copy the  speci-
                 fied  number  of  characters  into  the buffer provided.  The
                 buffer size may be insufficient. The contents of  buffer  are

                 The requested number of characters extended beyond the inter-
                 nal buffer. The function copied characters between start  and
                 the end of the widget's buffer and terminated the string with
                 a NULL  terminator;  fewer  than  num_chars  characters  were


       XmText(3) and XmTextGetSubstringWcs(3).

                                              XmTextGetSubstring(library call)

openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Thu Dec 4 08:51:51 CST 2008
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