XmTransferValue(library call) XmTransferValue(library call)
XmTransferValue -- A toolkit function that transfers data to a destina- tion
#include <Xm/Xm.h> void XmTransferValue( XtPointer transfer_id, Atom target, XtCallbackProc proc, XtPointer client_data, Time time);
XmTransferValue converts a selection, transferring any data from the selection owner, in the context of an already-initiated data transfer operation. An application can call this routine from an XmNdestina- tionCallback procedure or any function called as a result. The caller of XmTransferValue supplies the target to which the selec- tion is converted. The caller also supplies a callback procedure to handle the data that results from the conversion. transfer_id Specifies a unique indentifier for the data transfer opera- tion. The value must be the same as the value of the trans- fer_id member of the XmDestinationCallbackStruct passed to the XmNdestinationCallback procedure. target Specifies the target to which the selection is to be con- verted. proc Specifies a callback procedure to be invoked when the selec- tion has been converted and the data, if any, is available. This procedure is responsible for inserting or otherwise han- dling any data transferred. The procedure can also terminate the data transfer by calling XmTransferDone. The proc receives three arguments: o The widget that requested the conversion o The value of the client_data argument o A pointer to an XmSelectionCallbackStruct This procedure can be called before or after XmTransferValue returns. client_data Specifies data to be passed to the callback procedure (the value of the proc argument) when the selection has been con- verted. time Specifies the time of the XEvent that triggered the data transfer. You should typically set this field to XtLast- TimestampProcessed. The callback procedure (the value of the proc argument) receives a pointer to an XmSelectionCallbackStruct, which has the following defi- nition: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Atom selection; Atom target; Atom type; XtPointer transfer_id; int flags; int remaining; XtPointer value; unsigned long length; int format; } XmSelectionCallbackStruct; reason Indicates why the callback was invoked. event Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be NULL. selection Specifies the selection that has been converted. target Specifies the target to which XmTransferValue requested con- version. The value is the same as the value of the target argument to XmTransferValue. type Specifies the type of the selection value. This is not the target, but the type used to represent the target. The value XT_CONVERT_FAIL means that the selection owner did not respond to the conversion request within the Intrinsics selection timeout interval. transfer_id Specifies a unique indentifier for the data transfer opera- tion. The value is the same as the value of the transfer_id argument to XmTransferValue. flags This member is currently unused. The value is always XmSE- LECTION_DEFAULT. remaining Indicates the number of transfers remaining for the operation specified by transfer_id. value Represents the data transferred by this request. The appli- cation is responsible for freeing the value by calling XtFree. length Indicates the number of elements of data in value, where each element has the size symbolized by format. If value is NULL, length is 0. format Indicates whether the data in value should be viewed as a list of char, short, or long quantities. Possible values are 8 (for a list of char), 16 (for a list of short), or 32 (for a list of long).
XmTransferSetParameters(3), XmTransferSendRequest(3), and XmTransfer- StartRequest(3). XmTransferValue(library call)
openMotif 2.3.1 - Generated Thu Dec 4 11:50:13 CST 2008