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man XpGetPageDimensions(3)
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XpGetPageDimensions(3Xp)       XPRINT FUNCTIONS       XpGetPageDimensions(3Xp)


       XpGetPageDimensions -  Gets the page dimensions for the current printer


             cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ]
             #include <X11/extensions/Print.h>

       Status XpGetPageDimensions (  display,  print_context,  width,  height,
       reproducible_area )
             Display *display;
             XPContext print_context;
             unsigned short *width;
             unsigned short *height;
             XRectangle *reproducible_area;


              Specifies  a  pointer  to  the  Display structure; returned from

              A pre-existing print context.

       width  Returns the pixel width of the page currently  selected  in  the
              print context.

       height Returns  the  pixel height of the page currently selected in the
              print context.

              Returns the net reproducible area of the page currently selected
              in the print context, expressed in pixel offsets and dimensions.


       XpGetPageDimensions considers the  medium  currently  selected  in  the
       print context (derived in part from default-medium, default-input-tray,
       input-trays-medium,   content-orientation,   default-resolution),   and
       returns  the  total width and height of the page in pixels, and the net
       reproducible area within the total width and  height.  The  net  repro-
       ducible  area is the portion of the page on which the printer is physi-
       cally capable of placing ink.

       XpGetPageDimensions returns a Status of 0 on failure, or 1 on  success.


       XPBadContext   A  valid print context-id has not been set prior to mak-
                      ing this call.

X Version 11                      libXp 1.0.3         XpGetPageDimensions(3Xp)

libXp 1.0.3 - Generated Mon Mar 23 08:03:55 CDT 2015
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