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man XpGetPrinterList(3)
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XpGetPrinterList(3Xp)          XPRINT FUNCTIONS          XpGetPrinterList(3Xp)


       XpGetPrinterList  -  Retrieves a list of all printers supported on an X
       Print Server.


             cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ]
             #include <X11/extensions/Print.h>

       XPPrinterList     XpGetPrinterList     (     display,     printer_name,
       list_count_return )
             Display *display;
             char *printer_name;
             int *list_count_return;


              Specifies  a  pointer  to  the  Display structure; returned from

              Specifies the name of  the  printer  for  which  information  is
              desired.  If NULL, then information is returned for all printers
              associated with the server.

              Returns the number of printers in the list.


       XpGetPrinterList returns a list of printer records  where  each  record
       describes  a  printer  supported  by the X Print Server, or NULL if any
       errors occur.

       If printer_name is NULL, then a  list  of  all  printers  supported  is
       returned.  If  printer_name  is  non-NULL,  only print records matching
       printer_name are returned, and if no records match printer_name ,  then
       NULL is returned.

       printer_name is a COMPOUND_TEXT string, and the name and desc fields in
       the returned list will be in COMPOUND_TEXT (note, ISO 8859-1  (Latin-1)
       is  a  proper  subset  of  COMPOUND_TEXT,  so can be used directly). If
       printer_name is in a code-set that the X Print  Server  cannot  convert
       (into  its  operating  code-set),  then  the X Print Server may fail to
       locate the requested  printer.   If  printer_name  is  NULL,  then  all
       printer  names,  regardless of their code-set, can be returned, leaving
       the task of specific printer recognition up to the caller.

       When XpGetPrinterList is called, the caller's locale (see  XpSetLocale-
       Hinter)  is  included in the request as a "hint" to the X Print Server.
       If supported by the implementation, the X Print  Server  will  use  the
       hint to locate a localized description for each printer in the list. If
       the X Print Server cannot understand the hint, the X Print Server  will
       choose  a  default.   The returned printer list can be freed by calling

       The XPPrinterList structure defined  in  <X11/extensions/Print.h>  con-

       typedef struct {
           char *name;     /* name */
           char *desc;     /* localized description */
       } XPPrinterRec, *XPPrinterList;


       BadAlloc       Insufficient memory.


       XpFreePrinterList(3), XpSetLocaleHinter(3)

X Version 11                      libXp 1.0.3            XpGetPrinterList(3Xp)

libXp 1.0.3 - Generated Mon Mar 23 08:15:37 CDT 2015
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