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man XpmCreateXpmImage(3)
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XpmCreateXpmImage(3)            libXpm functions            XpmCreateXpmImage(3)


       XpmCreateXpmImage - create an Xpm image


       int XpmCreateXpmImageFromData(char **data, XpmImage *image, XpmInfo

       int XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer(char *buffer, XpmImage *image, XpmInfo

       int XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage(Display *display, XImage *image, XImage
              *shapeimage, XpmImage *xpmimage, XpmAttributes *attributes);

       int XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap(Display *display, Pixmap *pixmap, Pixmap
              *shapemask, XpmImage *xpmimage, XpmAttributes *attributes);


       data   Specifies the location of the data.

       image  Specifies the image structure location.

       info   Specifies the location of an XpmInfo structure to get and store
              information (or NULL).

              Specifies the connection to the X server.

       image  Specifies the image which is created.

              Specifies the shape mask image which is created if any.

              Specifies the location of an XpmImage structure.

              Specifies the location of a structure containing information (or


       To create an XpmImage from an XPM buffer, use
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer.  The XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer function
       reads the given buffer to fill in the given XpmImage structure.  If the
       buffer does not contain valid XPM data, it returns XpmFileInvalid.  If
       insufficient working storage is allocated, it returns XpmNoMemory, and
       returns XpmSuccess on success.  If the passed XpmInfo structure pointer
       is not NULL, XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer looks for the following
       attributes: XpmReturnComments and XpmReturnExtensions, and sets possibly
       the XpmHotspot attribute when returning.  As specified in the table (page
       28), if the data related to the attributes XpmReturnComments and
       XpmReturnExtensions cannot be returned as requested because of
       insufficient memory storage, XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer will change the
       valuemask to mention this and will try to continue.  So the caller should
       check on this before accessing requested data.

       Note: The valuemask of the passed XpmInfo structure must be set to some
       valid value, at least zero, otherwise unpredictable errors can occur.

       To create an XpmImage from an XPM data, use XpmCreateXpmImageFromData.
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromData fills in the given XpmImage structure from the
       given data. If the data does not contain validXPM data, it returns
       XpmFileInvalid. If insufficient working storage is allocated, it returns
       XpmNoMemory, on success it returns XpmSuccess.  If the passed XpmInfo
       structure pointer is not NULL, XpmCreateXpmImageFromData looks for the
       following attributes: XpmReturnExtensions, and sets possibly the
       XpmHotspot attribute when returning.  As specified in the table (page
       28), if the data related to the attribute XpmReturnExtensions cannot be
       returned as requested because of insufficient memory storage,
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromData will change the valuemask to mention this and
       will try to continue.  So the caller should check on this before
       accessing requested data.

       Note: The valuemask of the passed  XpmInfo structure must be set to some
       valid value, at least zero, otherwise unpredictable errors can occur.

       To create an XpmImage from an XImage, use XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage.
       From the given X images and XpmAttributes if not NULL,
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage creates an XpmImage following the same
       mechanism as XpmWriteFileFromImage.

       To create an XpmImage from a Pixmap, use XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap.
       From the given pixmaps and XpmAttributes if not NULL,
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap gets the related XImages by calling
       XGetImage, then it gives them to XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage() to create
       an XpmImage which is returned to xpmimage.  Finally it destroys the
       created X images using XDestroyImage.


       XpmCreateXpmImageFromBuffer(3), XpmCreateXpmImageFromData(3),
       XpmCreateXpmImageFromImage(3), XpmCreateXpmImageFromPixmap(3)

X Version 11                      libXpm 3.5.14             XpmCreateXpmImage(3)

libXpm 3.5.14 - Generated Tue Nov 22 18:46:45 CST 2022
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