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man XpmFreeExtensions(3)
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XpmMisc(3)                      libXpm functions                      XpmMisc(3)


       XpmMisc - xpm misc functions to free used memory and handle errors


       int XpmFreeXpmImage(XpmImage *image);

       int XpmFreeXpmInfo(XpmInfo *info);

       int XpmFreeAttributes(XpmAttributes *attributes);

       int XpmAttributesSize();

       int XpmFreeExtensions(XpmExtension *extensions,  int nextensions);

       int XpmFree(char *ptr);

       char *XpmGetErrorString(int errorcode);

       int XpmLibraryVersion();


       image  Specifies the structure to free

       info   Specifies the structure to free

       ptr    Specifies the data to free

              Specifies the XPM error

              Specifies the array to free

              Specifies the number of extensions

              Specifies the structure to free


       To free possible data stored into an XpmImage structure use
       XpmFreeXpmImage.  The XpmFreeXpmImage function frees the structure
       members which are not NULL, but not the structure itself.  To free
       possible data stored into an XpmInfo structure use XpmFreeXpmInfo.

       To free data possibly stored into an array of XpmExtension use

       To free any data allocated by an XPM function use the XpmFree function.
       The current distribution of the XPM library uses the standard memory
       allocation functions and thus XpmFree is nothing else than a define to
       the standard free.  However since these functions may be redefined in
       specific environments it is wise to use XpmFree.

       To free possible data stored into an XpmAttributes structure use
       XpmFreeAttributes.  The XpmFreeAttributes function frees the structure
       members which have been malloc'ed such as the pixels list.

       To dynamically allocate an XpmAttributes structure use the
       XpmAttributesSize function.  The XpmAttributesSize function provides
       application using dynamic libraries with a safe way to allocate and then
       refer to an XpmAttributes structure, disregarding whether the
       XpmAttributes structure size has changed or not since compiled.  To get
       data when building an error message, one can use XpmGetErrorString.
       XpmGetErrorString returns a string related to the given XPM error code.

       The XpmLibraryVersion function can be used when one needs to figure out
       which version of the library is in use.  The value returned by
       XpmLibraryVersion can be compared to the value of XpmIncludeVersion which
       is defined in the header file "xpm.h". These numbers are computed with
       the following formula:
        (XpmFormat * 100 + XpmVersion) * 100 + XpmRevision
       Where XpmFormat is the version number of the format, XpmVersion is the
       library version number (which changes only if the API changes), and
       XpmRevision is the library minor version number.

       The XpmFreeExtensions function frees all data stored in every extension
       and the array itself.  Note that XpmFreeAttributes call this function and
       thus most of the time it should not need to be explicitly called.


       XpmLibraryVersion(3), XpmGetErrorString(3), XpmFree(3),
       XpmFreeExtensions(3), XpmAttributesSize(3), XpmFreeAttributes(3),
       XpmFreeXpmImage(3), XpmFreeXpmInfo(3)

X Version 11                      libXpm 3.5.14                       XpmMisc(3)

libXpm 3.5.14 - Generated Tue Nov 22 18:38:03 CST 2022
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