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man XtIsRealized(3)
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XtRealizeWidget(3)               XT FUNCTIONS               XtRealizeWidget(3)


       XtRealizeWidget, XtIsRealized, XtUnrealizeWidget - realize and unreal-
       ize widgets


       void XtRealizeWidget(Widget w);

       Boolean XtIsRealized(Widget w);

       void XtUnrealizeWidget(Widget w);


       w         Specifies the widget.


       If the widget is already realized, XtRealizeWidget simply returns.
       Otherwise, it performs the following:

       o    Binds all action names in the widget's translation table to proce-
            dures (see Section 10.1.2).

       o    Makes a post-order traversal of the widget tree rooted at the
            specified widget and calls the change_managed procedure of each
            composite widget that has one or more managed children.

       o    Constructs an XSetWindowAttributes structure filled in with infor-
            mation derived from the Core widget fields and calls the realize
            procedure for the widget, which adds any widget-specific
            attributes and creates the X window.

       o    If the widget is not a subclass of compositeWidgetClass,
            XtRealizeWidget returns; otherwise, it continues and performs the

            -    Descends recursively to each of the widget's managed children
                 and calls the realize procedures.  Primitive widgets that
                 instantiate children are responsible for realizing those
                 children themselves.

            -    Maps all of the managed children windows that have
                 mapped_when_managed True.  (If a widget is managed but
                 mapped_when_managed is False, the widget is allocated visual
                 space but is not displayed.  Some people seem to like this to
                 indicate certain states.)

       If the widget is a top-level shell widget (that is, it has no parent),
       and mapped_when_managed is True, XtRealizeWidget maps the widget win-

       The XtIsRealized function returns True if the widget has been realized,
       that is, if the widget has a nonzero X window ID.

       Some widget procedures (for example, set_values) might wish to operate
       differently after the widget has been realized.

       The XtUnrealizeWidget function destroys the windows of an existing wid-
       get and all of its children (recursively down the widget tree).  To
       recreate the windows at a later time, call XtRealizeWidget again.  If
       the widget was managed, it will be unmanaged automatically before its
       window is freed.


       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                      libXt 1.0.5               XtRealizeWidget(3)

Mac OS X 10.6 X11 - Generated Sun Mar 7 12:33:11 CST 2010
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