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man XtRemoveActionHook(3)
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XtAppAddActionHook(3)            XT FUNCTIONS            XtAppAddActionHook(3)


       XtAppAddActionHook, XtRemoveActionHook - register an action hook proce-


       XtActionHookId XtAppAddActionHook(XtAppContext app_context, XtAction-
              HookProc proc, XtPointer client_data);

       void XtRemoveActionHook(XtActionHookId id);


                 Specifies the application context.

       proc      Specifies the action hook procedure.

       num_args  Specifies the application-specific data to be passed to the
                 action hook.


       XtAppAddActionHook adds the specified procedure to the front of a list
       maintained in the application context. In the future, when an action
       routine is about to be invoked for any widget in this application con-
       text, either through the translation manager or via XtCallActionProc,
       the action hohok procedures will be called in reverse order of regis-
       tration jut prior to invoking the action routine.

       Action hook procedures are removed automatically and the XtActionHookId
       s destroyed when the application context in which they were added is

       XtRemoveActionHook removes the specified action hook procedure from the
       list in which it was registered.


       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                      libXt 1.0.5            XtAppAddActionHook(3)

Mac OS X 10.6 X11 - Generated Sun Mar 7 12:32:53 CST 2010
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