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man XtScreenOfObject(3)
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XtDisplay(3)                     XT FUNCTIONS                     XtDisplay(3)


       XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow,
       XtWindowOfObject - obtain window information about a widget


       Display *XtDisplay(Widget w);

       Display *XtDisplayOfObject(Widget object);

       Screen *XtScreen(Widget w);

       Screen *XtScreenOfObject(Widget object);

       Window XtWindow(Widget w);

       Window XtWindowOfObject(Widget object);


       w         Specifies the widget.

       object    Specifies the widget.


       XtDisplay returns the display pointer for the specified widget.

       XtDisplayOfObject returns the display pointer for the specified object.

       XtScreen returns the screen pointer for the specified widget.

       XtScreenOfObject returns the screen pointer for the specified object.

       XtWindow returns the window of the specified widget.

       XtWindowOfObject returns the window of the specified object.


       X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
       Xlib - C Language X Interface

X Version 11                      libXt 1.0.5                     XtDisplay(3)

Mac OS X 10.6 X11 - Generated Sun Mar 7 12:33:01 CST 2010
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