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ares_dns_rr(3)             Library Functions Manual             ares_dns_rr(3)


       ares_dns_record_rr_add, ares_dns_record_rr_cnt, ares_dns_record_rr_del,
       ares_dns_record_rr_get, ares_dns_record_rr_get_const,
       ares_dns_rr_get_addr, ares_dns_rr_get_addr6, ares_dns_rr_get_bin,
       ares_dns_rr_get_abin_cnt, ares_dns_rr_get_abin, ares_dns_rr_get_class,
       ares_dns_rr_get_name, ares_dns_rr_get_opt, ares_dns_rr_get_opt_byid,
       ares_dns_rr_get_opt_cnt, ares_dns_rr_get_str, ares_dns_rr_get_ttl,
       ares_dns_rr_get_type, ares_dns_rr_get_u16, ares_dns_rr_get_u32,
       ares_dns_rr_get_u8, ares_dns_rr_key_t, ares_dns_rr_set_addr,
       ares_dns_rr_set_addr6, ares_dns_rr_set_bin, ares_dns_rr_add_abin,
       ares_dns_rr_del_abin, ares_dns_rr_set_opt, ares_dns_rr_set_str,
       ares_dns_rr_set_u16, ares_dns_rr_set_u32, ares_dns_rr_set_u8,
       ares_dns_section_t, ares_tlsa_match_t, ares_tlsa_selector_t,
       ares_tlsa_usage_t - DNS Resource Record creating, reading, and writing


       #include <ares.h>

       size_t ares_dns_record_rr_cnt(const ares_dns_record_t *dnsrec,
                                     ares_dns_section_t       sect);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_record_rr_add(ares_dns_rr_t     **rr_out,
                                            ares_dns_record_t  *dnsrec,
                                            ares_dns_section_t  sect,
                                            const char         *name,
                                            ares_dns_rec_type_t type,
                                            ares_dns_class_t    rclass,
                                            unsigned int        ttl);

       ares_dns_rr_t *ares_dns_record_rr_get(ares_dns_record_t *dnsrec,
                                             ares_dns_section_t sect,
                                             size_t             idx);

       const ares_dns_rr_t *ares_dns_record_rr_get_const(const ares_dns_record_t *dnsrec,
                                                         ares_dns_section_t sect,
                                                         size_t idx);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_record_rr_del(ares_dns_record_t *dnsrec,
                                            ares_dns_section_t sect,
                                            size_t             idx);

       const char *ares_dns_rr_get_name(const ares_dns_rr_t *rr);

       ares_dns_rec_type_t ares_dns_rr_get_type(const ares_dns_rr_t *rr);

       ares_dns_class_t ares_dns_rr_get_class(const ares_dns_rr_t *rr);

       unsigned int ares_dns_rr_get_ttl(const ares_dns_rr_t *rr);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_addr(ares_dns_rr_t        *dns_rr,
                                          ares_dns_rr_key_t     key,
                                          const struct in_addr *addr);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_addr6(ares_dns_rr_t              *dns_rr,
                                           ares_dns_rr_key_t           key,
                                           const struct ares_in6_addr *addr);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_str(ares_dns_rr_t    *dns_rr,
                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                         const char       *val);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_u8(ares_dns_rr_t    *dns_rr,
                                        ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                        unsigned char     val);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_u16(ares_dns_rr_t    *dns_rr,
                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                         unsigned short    val);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_u32(ares_dns_rr_t    *dns_rr,
                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                         unsigned int      val);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_bin(ares_dns_rr_t       *dns_rr,
                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t    key,
                                         const unsigned char *val,
                                         size_t               len);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_add_abin(ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                          ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                          const unsigned char *val,
                                          size_t len);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_del_abin(ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                          ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                          size_t idx);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_set_opt(ares_dns_rr_t       *dns_rr,
                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t    key,
                                         unsigned short       opt,
                                         const unsigned char *val,
                                         size_t               val_len);

       ares_status_t ares_dns_rr_del_opt_byid(ares_dns_rr_t       *dns_rr,
                                              ares_dns_rr_key_t    key,
                                              unsigned short       opt);

       const struct in_addr *ares_dns_rr_get_addr(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                                  ares_dns_rr_key_t key);

       const struct ares_in6_addr *ares_dns_rr_get_addr6(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                                         ares_dns_rr_key_t key);

       const char *ares_dns_rr_get_str(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                       ares_dns_rr_key_t    key);

       unsigned char ares_dns_rr_get_u8(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                        ares_dns_rr_key_t    key);

       unsigned short ares_dns_rr_get_u16(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                          ares_dns_rr_key_t    key);

       unsigned int ares_dns_rr_get_u32(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                        ares_dns_rr_key_t    key);

       const unsigned char *ares_dns_rr_get_bin(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                                ares_dns_rr_key_t key,
                                                size_t *len);

       size_t ares_dns_rr_get_abin_cnt(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                       ares_dns_rr_key_t key);

       const unsigned char *ares_dns_rr_get_abin(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                                 ares_dns_rr_key_t key, size_t idx,
                                                 size_t *len);

       size_t ares_dns_rr_get_opt_cnt(const ares_dns_rr_t *dns_rr,
                                      ares_dns_rr_key_t    key);

       unsigned short ares_dns_rr_get_opt(const ares_dns_rr_t  *dns_rr,
                                          ares_dns_rr_key_t     key,
                                          size_t                idx,
                                          const unsigned char **val,
                                          size_t               *val_len);

       ares_bool_t ares_dns_rr_get_opt_byid(const ares_dns_rr_t  *dns_rr,
                                            ares_dns_rr_key_t     key,
                                            unsigned short        opt,
                                            const unsigned char **val,
                                            size_t *val_len);


       ares_dns_section_t - DNS RR section types:
           ARES_SECTION_ANSWER - Answer section
           ARES_SECTION_AUTHORITY - Authority section
           ARES_SECTION_ADDITIONAL - Additional Information section

       ares_dns_rr_key_t - Keys used for handling RR record parameters:
           ARES_RR_A_ADDR - A Record. Address. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_INADDR
           ARES_RR_NS_NSDNAME - NS Record. Name. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_NAME
           ARES_RR_CNAME_CNAME - CNAME Record. CName. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SOA_MNAME - SOA Record. MNAME, Primary Source of Data.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_NAME
           ARES_RR_SOA_RNAME - SOA Record. RNAME, Mailbox of person
           responsible. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_NAME
           ARES_RR_SOA_SERIAL - SOA Record. Serial, version. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SOA_REFRESH - SOA Record. Refresh, zone refersh interval.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U32
           ARES_RR_SOA_RETRY - SOA Record. Retry, failed refresh retry
           interval. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U32
           ARES_RR_SOA_EXPIRE - SOA Record. Expire, upper limit on authority.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U32
           ARES_RR_SOA_MINIMUM - SOA Record. Minimum, RR TTL. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_PTR_DNAME -  PTR Record. DNAME, pointer domain. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_HINFO_OS - HINFO Record. OS. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_STR
           ARES_RR_MX_PREFERENCE - MX Record. Preference. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_MX_EXCHANGE - MX Record. Exchange, domain. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_TXT_DATA - TXT Record. Data. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_ABINP
           ARES_RR_SIG_TYPE_COVERED - SIG Record. Type Covered. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_ALGORITHM - SIG Record. Algorithm. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_LABELS - SIG Record. Labels. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U8
           ARES_RR_SIG_ORIGINAL_TTL - SIG Record. Original TTL. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_EXPIRATION - SIG Record. Signature Expiration.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U32
           ARES_RR_SIG_INCEPTION - SIG Record. Signature Inception. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_KEY_TAG - SIG Record. Key Tag. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_SIGNERS_NAME - SIG Record. Signer's Name. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SIG_SIGNATURE - SIG Record. Signature. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_AAAA_ADDR - AAAA Record. Address. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SRV_PRIORITY - SRV Record. Priority. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SRV_WEIGHT - SRV Record. Weight. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SRV_PORT - SRV Record. Port. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U16
           ARES_RR_SRV_TARGET - SRV Record. Target domain. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_ORDER - NAPTR Record. Order. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_PREFERENCE - NAPTR Record. Preference. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_FLAGS - NAPTR Record. Flags. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_SERVICES - NAPTR Record. Services. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_REGEXP - NAPTR Record. Regexp. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_NAPTR_REPLACEMENT - NAPTR Record. Replacement. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_OPT_UDP_SIZE - OPT Record. UDP Size. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_OPT_VERSION - OPT Record. Version. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_OPT_FLAGS - OPT Record. Flags. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U16
           ARES_RR_OPT_OPTIONS - OPT Record. Options. See ares_opt_param_t.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_OPT
           ARES_RR_TLSA_CERT_USAGE - TLSA Record. Certificate Usage. See
           ares_tlsa_usage_t. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U8
           ARES_RR_TLSA_SELECTOR - TLSA Record. Selector. See
           ares_tlsa_selector_t. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U8
           ARES_RR_TLSA_MATCH - TLSA Record. Matching Type. See
           ares_tlsa_match_t. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_U8
           ARES_RR_TLSA_DATA - TLSA Record. Certificate Association Data.
           Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_BIN
           ARES_RR_SVCB_PRIORITY - SVCB Record. SvcPriority. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SVCB_TARGET - SVCB Record. TargetName. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_SVCB_PARAMS - SVCB Record. SvcParams. See
           ares_svcb_param_t. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_OPT
           ARES_RR_HTTPS_PRIORITY - HTTPS Record. SvcPriority. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_HTTPS_TARGET - HTTPS Record. TargetName. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_HTTPS_PARAMS - HTTPS Record. SvcParams. See
           ares_svcb_param_t. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_OPT
           ARES_RR_URI_PRIORITY - URI Record. Priority. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_URI_WEIGHT - URI Record. Weight. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_URI_TARGET - URI Record. Target domain. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_CAA_CRITICAL - CAA Record. Critical flag. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_CAA_TAG - CAA Record. Tag/Property. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_CAA_VALUE - CAA Record. Value. Datatype: ARES_DATATYPE_BINP
           ARES_RR_RAW_RR_TYPE - RAW Record. RR Type. Datatype:
           ARES_RR_RAW_RR_DATA - RAW Record. RR Data. Datatype:

       ares_tlsa_usage_t - TLSA Record ARES_RR_TLSA_CERT_USAGE known values
           ARES_TLSA_USAGE_CA - Certificate Usage 0. CA Constraint
           ARES_TLSA_USAGE_SERVICE - Certificate Usage 1. Service Certificate
           ARES_TLSA_USAGE_TRUSTANCHOR - Certificate Usage 2. Trust Anchor
           ARES_TLSA_USAGE_DOMAIN - Certificate Usage 3. Domain-issued

       ares_tlsa_selector_t - TLSA Record ARES_RR_TLSA_SELECTOR known values:
           ARES_TLSA_SELECTOR_FULL - Full Certificate

       ares_tlsa_match_t - TLSA Record ARES_RR_TLSA_MATCH known values:
           ARES_TLSA_MATCH_EXACT - Exact match
           ARES_TLSA_MATCH_SHA256 - Sha256 match
           ARES_TLSA_MATCH_SHA512 - Sha512 match


       The ares_dns_record_rr_cnt(3) function returns the number of resource
       records in the DNS record provided by the dnsrec parameter for the
       section provided in the sect parameter.

       The ares_dns_record_rr_add(3) function adds a new resource record entry
       the the DNS record provided by the dnsrec parameter.  The resulting
       resource record is stored into the variable pointed to by rr_out.  The
       DNS section the resource record belongs to is specified by the sect
       parameter.  The domain name associated with the resource record is
       specified by the name parameter, which can not be NULL but may be an
       empty string, or ".".  The resource record type is specified in the
       type parameter, along with the DNS record class in the rclass
       parameter, and the Time To Live (TTL) in the ttl parameter.

       The ares_dns_record_rr_get(3) and ares_dns_record_rr_get_const(3)
       functions are used to retrieve the resource record pointer from the DNS
       record provided in the dnsrec parameter, for the resource record
       section provided in the sect parameter, for the specified index in the
       idx parameter.  The index must be less than ares_dns_record_rr_cnt(3).
       The former returns a writable pointer to the resource record, while the
       latter returns a read-only pointer to the resource record.

       The ares_dns_record_rr_del(3) is used to delete a resource record from
       the DNS record specified in the dnsrec parameter.  Its primary use is
       to remove a ARES_REC_TYPE_OPT record when needing to retry a query
       without EDNS support.  The DNS RR section is specified via the sect
       parameter, and the index to remove is specified in the idx parameter.
       The index must be less than ares_dns_record_rr_cnt(3).

       The ares_dns_rr_get_name(3) function is used to retrieve the resource
       record domain name from the Resource Record pointer provided in the rr

       The ares_dns_rr_get_type(3) function is used to retrieve the resource
       record type from the Resource Record pointer provided in the rr

       The ares_dns_rr_get_class(3) function is used to retrieve the resource
       record class from the Resource Record pointer provided in the rr

       The ares_dns_rr_get_ttl(3) function is used to retrieve the resource
       record class Time to Live (TTL) from the Resource Record pointer
       provided in the rr parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_addr(3) function is used to set an IPv4 address for
       the associated resource record key/parameter when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_INADDR.  The resource record to be modified is provided
       in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the key
       parameter, and the value is provided in the addr parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_addr6(3) function is used to set an IPv6 address
       for the associated resource record key/parameter when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_INADDR6.  The resource record to be modified is provided
       in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the key
       parameter, and the value is provided in the addr parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_str(3) function is used to set a string for the
       associated resource record key/parameter when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_STR or ARES_DATATYPE_NAME.  Most strings are limited to
       255 bytes, however some records, such as a TXT record may allow longer
       as they are output as multiple strings. The resource record to be
       modified is provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is
       provided in the key parameter, and the value is provided in the val

       The ares_dns_rr_set_u8(3) function is used to set an 8bit unsigned
       value for the associated resource record key/parameter when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U8.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the
       key parameter, and the value is provided in the val parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_u16(3) function is used to set an 16bit unsigned
       value for the associated resource record key/parameter when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U16.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the
       key parameter, and the value is provided in the val parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_u32(3) function is used to set an 32bit unsigned
       value for the associated resource record key/parameter when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U32.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the
       key parameter, and the value is provided in the val parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_set_bin(3) function is used to set a binary value for
       the associated resource record key/parameter when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_BIN or ARES_DATATYPE_BINP.  The resource record to be
       modified is provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is
       provided in the key parameter, and the value is provided in the val
       parameter. And the associated value length is provided in the len

       The ares_dns_rr_add_abin(3) function is used to append a binary value
       in the array for the associated resource record key/parameter when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_ABINP.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the
       key parameter, and the value is provided in the val parameter. And the
       associated value length is provided in the len parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_del_abin(3) function is used to delete a binary value
       in the array for the associated resource record key/parameter when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_ABINP.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter, the key/parameter is provided in the
       key parameter, and the index to remove is provided in the idx

       The ares_dns_rr_set_opt(3) function is used to set option/parameter
       keys and values for the resource record when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_OPT.  The resource record to be modified is provided in
       the dns_rr parameter.  They key/parameter is provided in the key
       parameter.  The option/parameter value specific to the resource record
       is provided in the opt parameter, and this is left to the user to
       determine the appropriate value to use.  Some known values may be
       provided by ares_svcb_param_t and ares_opt_param_t enumerations.  The
       value for the option is always provided in binary form in val with
       length provided in val_len.

       The ares_dns_rr_del_opt_byid(3) function is used to delete
       option/parameter keys and values for the resource record when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_OPT.  The resource record to be modified is
       provided in the dns_rr parameter.  They key/parameter is provided in
       the key parameter.  The option/parameter value specific to the resource
       record is provided in the opt parameter.  This function returns
       ARES_SUCCESS if the record is successfully removed, or ARES_ENOTFOUND
       if the record could not be found.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_addr(3) function is used to retrieve the IPv4
       address from the resource record when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_INADDR.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key

       The ares_dns_rr_get_addr6(3) function is used to retrieve the IPv6
       address from the resource record when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_INADDR6.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key

       The ares_dns_rr_get_str(3) function is used to retrieve a string from
       the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_STR or
       ARES_DATATYPE_NAME.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key

       The ares_dns_rr_get_u8(3) function is used to retrieve an 8bit integer
       from the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U8.  The
       resource record is provided in the dns_rr parameter and the
       key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_u16(3) function is used to retrieve a 16bit integer
       from the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U16.  The
       resource record is provided in the dns_rr parameter and the
       key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_u32(3) function is used to retrieve a 32bit integer
       from the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_U32.  The
       resource record is provided in the dns_rr parameter and the
       key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_bin(3) function is used to retrieve binary data
       from the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_BIN or
       ARES_DATATYPE_BINP.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key
       parameter, and length is stored into the variable pointed to by len.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_abin_cnt(3) function is used to retrieve the count
       of the array of stored binary values from the resource record when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_ABINP.  The resource record is provided in
       the dns_rr parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in
       the key parameter.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_abin(3) function is used to retrieve binary data
       from the resource record array when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_ABINP.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key
       parameter, and the index to retrieve from the array is provided by the
       idx parameter, and length is stored into the variable pointed to by

       The ares_dns_rr_get_opt_cnt(3) function is used to retrieve the count
       of options/parameters associated with the resource record when the
       datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_OPT.  The resource record is provided in the
       dns_rr parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the

       The ares_dns_rr_get_opt(3) function is used to retrieve binary option
       data from the resource record when the datatype is ARES_DATATYPE_OPT
       for the specified index.  The resource record is provided in the dns_rr
       parameter and the key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key
       parameter, the index to retrieve the option data from is provided in
       the idx parameter.  The value is stored into the variable pointed to by
       val and length is stored into the variable pointed to by val_len.

       The ares_dns_rr_get_opt_byid(3) function is used to retrieve binary
       option data from the resource record when the datatype is
       ARES_DATATYPE_OPT for the specified option identifier, if it exists.
       The resource record is provided in the dns_rr parameter and the
       key/parameter to retrieve is provided in the key parameter, the
       identifier to retrieve the option data from is provided in the opt
       parameter.  The value is stored into the variable pointed to by val and
       length is stored into the variable pointed to by val_len.


       ares_dns_record_rr_cnt(3) and ares_dns_rr_get_opt_cnt(3) return the
       respective counts.

       ares_dns_record_rr_add(3), ares_dns_record_rr_del(3),
       ares_dns_rr_set_addr(3), ares_dns_rr_set_addr6(3),
       ares_dns_rr_set_str(3), ares_dns_rr_set_u8(3), ares_dns_rr_set_u16(3),
       ares_dns_rr_set_u32(3), ares_dns_rr_set_bin(3),
       ares_dns_rr_add_abin(3), ares_dns_rr_del_abin(3), and
       ares_dns_rr_set_opt(3) all return an ares_status_t error code.
       ARES_SUCCESS is returned on success, ARES_ENOMEM is returned on out of
       memory, ARES_EFORMERR is returned on misuse.

       ares_dns_rr_get_name(3), ares_dns_rr_get_type(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_class(3), ares_dns_rr_get_ttl(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_addr(3), ares_dns_rr_get_addr6(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_str(3), ares_dns_rr_get_u8(3), ares_dns_rr_get_u16(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_u32(3), ares_dns_rr_get_bin(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_abin_cnt(3), ares_dns_rr_get_abin(3),
       ares_dns_rr_get_opt(3) all return their prescribed datatype values and
       in general can't fail except for misuse cases, in which a 0 (or NULL)
       may be returned, however 0 can also be a valid return value for most of
       these functions.

       ares_dns_record_rr_get(3) and ares_dns_record_rr_get_const(3) will
       return the requested resource record pointer or NULL on failure

       ares_dns_rr_get_opt_byid(3) will return ARES_TRUE if the option was
       found, otherwise ARES_FALSE if not found (or misuse).


       These functions were first introduced in c-ares version 1.22.0.


       ares_dns_mapping(3), ares_dns_record(3), ares_free_string(3)

                               12 November 2023                 ares_dns_rr(3)

c-ares 1.33.0 - Generated Tue Aug 20 16:53:16 CDT 2024
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