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man glEvalCoord2d(3)
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glEvalCoord(3)                                                glEvalCoord(3)


       glEvalCoord1d,  glEvalCoord1f,  glEvalCoord2d, glEvalCoord2f, glEvalCo-
       ord1dv,  glEvalCoord1fv,  glEvalCoord2dv,  glEvalCoord2fv  -   evaluate
       enabled one- and two-dimensional maps


       void glEvalCoord1d( GLdouble u )
       void glEvalCoord1f( GLfloat u )
       void glEvalCoord2d( GLdouble u,
                           GLdouble v )
       void glEvalCoord2f( GLfloat u,
                           GLfloat v )


       u  Specifies a value that is the domain coordinate u to the basis func-
          tion defined in a previous glMap1 or glMap2 command.

       v  Specifies a value that is the domain coordinate v to the basis func-
          tion  defined  in  a  previous glMap2 command.  This argument is not
          present in a glEvalCoord1 command.


       void glEvalCoord1dv( const GLdouble *u )
       void glEvalCoord1fv( const GLfloat *u )
       void glEvalCoord2dv( const GLdouble *u )
       void glEvalCoord2fv( const GLfloat *u )


       u      Specifies a pointer to an array containing  either  one  or  two
              domain  coordinates.   The  first  coordinate  is u.  The second
              coordinate is v, which is present only in glEvalCoord2 versions.


       glEvalCoord1  evaluates  enabled  one-dimensional  maps  at argument u.
       glEvalCoord2 does the same for two-dimensional maps  using  two  domain
       values,  u  and  v.  To define a map, call glMap1 and glMap2; to enable
       and disable it, call glEnable and glDisable.

       When one of the glEvalCoord commands is issued, all  currently  enabled
       maps  of the indicated dimension are evaluated.  Then, for each enabled
       map, it is as if the corresponding GL command had been issued with  the
       computed value.  That is, if GL_MAP1_INDEX or GL_MAP2_INDEX is enabled,
       a glIndex command is simulated.  If GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 or  GL_MAP2_COLOR_4
       is  enabled,  a  glColor  command  is  simulated.  If GL_MAP1_NORMAL or
       GL_MAP2_NORMAL is enabled, a normal vector is produced, and if  any  of
       GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1,                       GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2,
       GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3,                       GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4,
       GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1,                       GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2,
       GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3, or GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 is enabled, then an
       appropriate glTexCoord command is simulated.

       For  color,  color  index,  normal, and texture coordinates the GL uses
       evaluated values instead of current values for those  evaluations  that
       are  enabled, and current values otherwise, However, the evaluated val-
       ues do not update the current values.  Thus, if glVertex  commands  are
       interspersed  with glEvalCoord commands, the color, normal, and texture
       coordinates associated with the glVertex commands are not  affected  by
       the  values generated by the glEvalCoord commands, but only by the most
       recent glColor, glIndex, glNormal, and glTexCoord commands.

       No commands are issued for maps that are not enabled.  If more than one
       texture  evaluation is enabled for a particular dimension (for example,
       GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 and  GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2),  then  only  the
       evaluation  of  the  map that produces the larger number of coordinates
       (in   this   case,    GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2)    is    carried    out.
       GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 overrides GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3, and GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 over-
       rides GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, in the same manner.  If neither a three- nor  a
       four-component  vertex  map is enabled for the specified dimension, the
       glEvalCoord command is ignored.

       If you have enabled automatic normal generation,  by  calling  glEnable
       with  argument  GL_AUTO_NORMAL,  glEvalCoord2 generates surface normals
       analytically,  regardless  of  the  contents   or   enabling   of   the
       GL_MAP2_NORMAL map.  Let

          m = (partial (p) / partial (u)) X (partial (p) over partial (v))

       Then the generated normal n  is
                                 n = m / { || m || }

       If  automatic  normal  generation is disabled, the corresponding normal
       map GL_MAP2_NORMAL, if enabled, is used to produce a normal.   If  nei-
       ther automatic normal generation nor a normal map is enabled, no normal
       is generated for glEvalCoord2 commands.


       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_INDEX
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_COLOR_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_NORMAL
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_INDEX
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_COLOR_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_NORMAL
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4
       glIsEnabled with argument GL_AUTO_NORMAL


       glBegin(3), glColor(3), glEnable(3), glEvalMesh(3), glEvalPoint(3),
       glIndex(3), glMap1(3), glMap2(3), glMapGrid(3), glNormal(3),
       glTexCoord(3), glVertex(3)


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