glutExtensionSupported(3GLUT) GLUT glutExtensionSupported(3GLUT)
glutExtensionSupported - helps to easily determine whether a given OpenGL extension is supported.
int glutExtensionSupported(char *extension);
extension Name of OpenGL extension.
glutExtensionSupported helps to easily determine whether a given OpenGL extension is supported or not. The extension parameter names the exten- sion to query. The supported extensions can also be determined with glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), but glutExtensionSupported does the correct parsing of the returned string. glutExtensionSupported returns non-zero if the extension is supported, zero if not supported. There must be a valid current window to call glutExtensionSupported. glutExtensionSupported only returns information about OpenGL extensions only. This means window system dependent extensions (for example, GLX extensions) are not reported by glutExtensionSupported.
Here is an example of using glutExtensionSupported: if (!glutExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_texture")) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing the texture extension!\n"); exit(1); } Notice that the name argument includes both the GL prefix and the extension family prefix (EXT).
glutGet(3), glGetString(3)
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT 3.7 glutExtensionSupported(3GLUT)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:20:39 CDT 2009