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man glutGetColor(3)
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glutGetColor(3GLUT)                  GLUT                  glutGetColor(3GLUT)


       glutGetColor  -  retrieves  a red, green, or blue component for a given
       color index colormap entry for the layer in use's logical colormap  for
       the current window.


       GLfloat glutGetColor(int cell, int component);


       cell      Color cell index (starting at zero).

       component One of GLUT_RED, GLUT_GREEN, or GLUT_BLUE.


       glutGetColor  retrieves  a  red,  green,  or blue component for a given
       color index colormap entry for the current window's  logical  colormap.
       The  current window should be a color index window. cell should be zero
       or greater and less than the total number of colormap entries  for  the
       window. For valid color indices, the value returned is a floating point
       value between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. glutGetColor will return  -1.0  if
       the  color index specified is an overlay's transparent index, less than
       zero, or greater or equal to the value  returned  by  glutGet(GLUT_WIN-
       DOW_COLORMAP_SIZE),  that  is if the color index is transparent or out-
       side the valid range of color indices.


       glutGet(3), glutSetColor(3), glutCopyColormap(3)


       Mark J. Kilgard (

GLUT                                  3.7                  glutGetColor(3GLUT)

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:20:40 CDT 2009
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