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man glutInitWindowPosition(3)
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glutInitWindowPosition(3GLUT)        GLUT        glutInitWindowPosition(3GLUT)


       glutInitWindowPositionWindowPosition, glutInitWindowSize - set the ini-
       tial window position and size respectively.


       void glutInitWindowSize(int width, int height);
       void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y);


       width     Width in pixels.

       height    Height in pixels.

       x         Window X location in pixels.

       y         Window Y location in pixels.


       Windows created by glutCreateWindow will be  requested  to  be  created
       with the current initial window position and size.

       The  initial  value of the initial window position GLUT state is -1 and
       -1.  If either the X or Y component to the initial window  position  is
       negative,  the  actual  window position is left to the window system to
       determine.  The initial value of the initial window size GLUT state  is
       300  by  300.   The initial window size components must be greater than

       The intent of the initial window position and size values is to provide
       a suggestion to the window system for a window's initial size and posi-
       tion. The window system is  not  obligated  to  use  this  information.
       Therefore,  GLUT  programs  should not assume the window was created at
       the specified size or position. A GLUT program should use the  window's
       reshape callback to determine the true size of the window.


       If  you  would like your GLUT program to default to starting at a given
       screen location and at a given size, but you would also like to let the
       user  override  these  defaults  via  a  command line argument (such as
       -geometry for X11), call glutInitWindowSize and  glutInitWindowPosition
       before your call to glutInit.  For example:

         int main(int argc, char **argv)
           glutInitWindowSize(500, 300);
           glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);
           glutInit(&argc, argv);

       However,  if  you'd  like  to force your program to start up at a given
       size, call glutInitWindowSize  and  glutInitWindowPosition  after  your
       call to glutInit.  For example:

         int main(int argc, char **argv)
           glutInit(&argc, argv);
           glutInitWindowSize(500, 300);
           glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);


       glutInit(3), glutCreateWindow(3), glutCreateSubWindow(3),
       glutReshapeFunc(3), glutGet(3)


       Mark J. Kilgard (

GLUT                                  3.7        glutInitWindowPosition(3GLUT)

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:20:41 CDT 2009
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