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man hwloc_obj_type_string(3)
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hwlocality_object_strings(3)                           Hardware Locality (hwloc)


       hwlocality_object_strings - Converting between Object Types and
       Attributes, and Strings


       const char * hwloc_obj_type_string (hwloc_obj_type_t type)
       int hwloc_obj_type_snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
           hwloc_obj_t obj, int verbose)
       int hwloc_obj_attr_snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size,
           hwloc_obj_t obj, const char *restrict separator, int verbose)
       int hwloc_type_sscanf (const char *string, hwloc_obj_type_t *typep, union
           hwloc_obj_attr_u *attrp, size_t attrsize)
       int hwloc_type_sscanf_as_depth (const char *string, hwloc_obj_type_t
           *typep, hwloc_topology_t topology, int *depthp)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

   int hwloc_obj_attr_snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size, hwloc_obj_t
       obj, const char *restrict separator, int verbose)
       Stringify the attributes of a given topology object into a human-readable
       form. Attribute values are separated by separator.

       Only the major attributes are printed in non-verbose mode.

       If size is 0, string may safely be NULL.

           the number of characters that were actually written if not
           truncating, or that would have been written (not including the ending

   int hwloc_obj_type_snprintf (char *restrict string, size_t size, hwloc_obj_t
       obj, int verbose)
       Stringify the type of a given topology object into a human-readable form.
       Contrary to hwloc_obj_type_string(), this function includes object-
       specific attributes (such as the Group depth, the Bridge type, or OS
       device type) in the output, and it requires the caller to provide the
       output buffer.

       The output is guaranteed to be the same for all objects of a same
       topology level.

       If verbose is 1, longer type names are used, e.g. L1Cache instead of L1.

       The output string may be parsed back by hwloc_type_sscanf().

       If size is 0, string may safely be NULL.

           the number of characters that were actually written if not
           truncating, or that would have been written (not including the ending

   const char* hwloc_obj_type_string (hwloc_obj_type_t type)
       Return a constant stringified object type. This function is the basic way
       to convert a generic type into a string. The output string may be parsed
       back by hwloc_type_sscanf().

       hwloc_obj_type_snprintf() may return a more precise output for a specific
       object, but it requires the caller to provide the output buffer.

   int hwloc_type_sscanf (const char * string, hwloc_obj_type_t * typep, union
       hwloc_obj_attr_u * attrp, size_t attrsize)
       Return an object type and attributes from a type string. Convert strings
       such as 'Package' or 'L1iCache' into the corresponding types. Matching is
       case-insensitive, and only the first letters are actually required to

       The matched object type is set in typep (which cannot be NULL).

       Type-specific attributes, for instance Cache type, Cache depth, Group
       depth, Bridge type or OS Device type may be returned in attrp. Attributes
       that are not specified in the string (for instance 'Group' without a
       depth, or 'L2Cache' without a cache type) are set to -1.

       attrp is only filled if not NULL and if its size specified in attrsize is
       large enough. It should be at least as large as union hwloc_obj_attr_u.

           0 if a type was correctly identified, otherwise -1.

           This function is guaranteed to match any string returned by
           hwloc_obj_type_string() or hwloc_obj_type_snprintf().

           This is an extended version of the now deprecated

   int hwloc_type_sscanf_as_depth (const char * string, hwloc_obj_type_t *
       typep, hwloc_topology_t topology, int * depthp)
       Return an object type and its level depth from a type string. Convert
       strings such as 'Package' or 'L1iCache' into the corresponding types and
       return in depthp the depth of the corresponding level in the topology

       If no object of this type is present on the underlying architecture,
       HWLOC_TYPE_DEPTH_UNKNOWN is returned.

       If multiple such levels exist (for instance if giving Group without any
       depth), the function may return HWLOC_TYPE_DEPTH_MULTIPLE instead.

       The matched object type is set in typep if typep is non NULL.

           This function is similar to hwloc_type_sscanf() followed by
           hwloc_get_type_depth() but it also automatically disambiguates
           multiple group levels etc.

           This function is guaranteed to match any string returned by
           hwloc_obj_type_string() or hwloc_obj_type_snprintf().


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for Hardware Locality (hwloc) from the
       source code.

Version 2.9.1                    Tue Mar 28 2023    hwlocality_object_strings(3)

hwloc 2.9.1 - Generated Fri Apr 21 05:47:06 CDT 2023
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