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hwlocality_configuration(3)                            Hardware Locality (hwloc)


       hwlocality_configuration - Topology Detection Configuration and Query


   Data Structures
       struct hwloc_topology_discovery_support
       struct hwloc_topology_cpubind_support
       struct hwloc_topology_membind_support
       struct hwloc_topology_misc_support
       struct hwloc_topology_support

       enum hwloc_topology_flags_e { HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_INCLUDE_DISALLOWED,
       enum hwloc_type_filter_e { HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_ALL,

       int hwloc_topology_set_flags (hwloc_topology_t topology, unsigned long
       unsigned long hwloc_topology_get_flags (hwloc_topology_t topology)
       int hwloc_topology_is_thissystem (hwloc_topology_t restrict topology)
       const struct hwloc_topology_support * hwloc_topology_get_support
           (hwloc_topology_t restrict topology)
       int hwloc_topology_set_type_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
           hwloc_obj_type_t type, enum hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       int hwloc_topology_get_type_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
           hwloc_obj_type_t type, enum hwloc_type_filter_e *filter)
       int hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
           hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       int hwloc_topology_set_cache_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
           enum hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       int hwloc_topology_set_icache_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
           enum hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       int hwloc_topology_set_io_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
           hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       void hwloc_topology_set_userdata (hwloc_topology_t topology, const void
       void * hwloc_topology_get_userdata (hwloc_topology_t topology)

Detailed Description

       Several functions can optionally be called between hwloc_topology_init()
       and hwloc_topology_load() to configure how the detection should be
       performed, e.g. to ignore some objects types, define a synthetic
       topology, etc.

Enumeration Type Documentation

   enum hwloc_topology_flags_e
       Flags to be set onto a topology context before load. Flags should be
       given to hwloc_topology_set_flags(). They may also be returned by


              Detect the whole system, ignore reservations, include disallowed
              objects. Gather all online resources, even if some were disabled
              by the administrator. For instance, ignore Linux Cgroup/Cpusets
              and gather all processors and memory nodes. However offline PUs
              and NUMA nodes are still ignored.

       When this flag is not set, PUs and NUMA nodes that are disallowed are not
       added to the topology. Parent objects (package, core, cache, etc.) are
       added only if some of their children are allowed. All existing PUs and
       NUMA nodes in the topology are allowed.
       hwloc_topology_get_allowed_cpuset() and
       hwloc_topology_get_allowed_nodeset() are equal to the root object cpuset
       and nodeset.

       When this flag is set, the actual sets of allowed PUs and NUMA nodes are
       given by hwloc_topology_get_allowed_cpuset() and
       hwloc_topology_get_allowed_nodeset(). They may be smaller than the root
       object cpuset and nodeset.

       If the current topology is exported to XML and reimported later, this
       flag should be set again in the reimported topology so that disallowed
       resources are reimported as well.

              Assume that the selected backend provides the topology for the
              system on which we are running. This forces
              hwloc_topology_is_thissystem() to return 1, i.e. makes hwloc
              assume that the selected backend provides the topology for the
              system on which we are running, even if it is not the OS-specific
              backend but the XML backend for instance. This means making the
              binding functions actually call the OS-specific system calls and
              really do binding, while the XML backend would otherwise provide
              empty hooks just returning success.

       Setting the environment variable HWLOC_THISSYSTEM may also result in the
       same behavior.

       This can be used for efficiency reasons to first detect the topology
       once, save it to an XML file, and quickly reload it later through the XML
       backend, but still having binding functions actually do bind.

              Get the set of allowed resources from the local operating system
              even if the topology was loaded from XML or synthetic description.
              If the topology was loaded from XML or from a synthetic string,
              restrict it by applying the current process restrictions such as
              Linux Cgroup/Cpuset.

       This is useful when the topology is not loaded directly from the local
       machine (e.g. for performance reason) and it comes with all resources,
       while the running process is restricted to only parts of the machine.

       This flag is ignored unless HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM is also set
       since the loaded topology must match the underlying machine where
       restrictions will be gathered from.

       Setting the environment variable HWLOC_THISSYSTEM_ALLOWED_RESOURCES would
       result in the same behavior.

              Import support from the imported topology. When importing a XML
              topology from a remote machine, binding is disabled by default
              (see HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM). This disabling is also
              marked by putting zeroes in the corresponding supported feature
              bits reported by hwloc_topology_get_support().

       The flag HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IMPORT_SUPPORT actually imports support bits
       from the remote machine. It also sets the flag imported_support in the
       struct hwloc_topology_misc_support array. If the imported XML did not
       contain any support information (exporter hwloc is too old), this flag is
       not set.

       Note that these supported features are only relevant for the hwloc
       installation that actually exported the XML topology (it may vary with
       the operating system, or with how hwloc was compiled).

       Note that setting this flag however does not enable binding for the
       locally imported hwloc topology, it only reports what the remote hwloc
       and machine support.

              Do not consider resources outside of the process CPU binding. If
              the binding of the process is limited to a subset of cores, ignore
              the other cores during discovery.

       The resulting topology is identical to what a call to
       hwloc_topology_restrict() would generate, but this flag also prevents
       hwloc from ever touching other resources during the discovery.

       This flag especially tells the x86 backend to never temporarily rebind a
       thread on any excluded core. This is useful on Windows because such
       temporary rebinding can change the process binding. Another use-case is
       to avoid cores that would not be able to perform the hwloc discovery
       anytime soon because they are busy executing some high-priority real-time

       If process CPU binding is not supported, the thread CPU binding is
       considered instead if supported, or the flag is ignored.

       This flag requires HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM as well since
       binding support is required.

              Do not consider resources outside of the process memory binding.
              If the binding of the process is limited to a subset of NUMA
              nodes, ignore the other NUMA nodes during discovery.

       The resulting topology is identical to what a call to
       hwloc_topology_restrict() would generate, but this flag also prevents
       hwloc from ever touching other resources during the discovery.

       This flag is meant to be used together with
       should be ignored outside of the process binding.

       If process memory binding is not supported, the thread memory binding is
       considered instead if supported, or the flag is ignored.

       This flag requires HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM as well since
       binding support is required.

              Do not ever modify the process or thread binding during discovery.
              This flag disables all hwloc discovery steps that require a change
              of the process or thread binding. This currently only affects the
              x86 backend which gets entirely disabled.

       This is useful when hwloc_topology_load() is called while the application
       also creates additional threads or modifies the binding.

       This flag is also a strict way to make sure the process binding will not
       change to due thread binding changes on Windows (see

              Ignore distances. Ignore distance information from the operating
              systems (and from XML) and hence do not use distances for

              Ignore memory attributes. Ignore memory attribues from the
              operating systems (and from XML).

              Ignore CPU Kinds. Ignore CPU kind information from the operating
              systems (and from XML).

   enum hwloc_type_filter_e
       Type filtering flags. By default, most objects are kept
       (HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_ALL). Instruction caches, I/O and Misc objects
       are ignored by default (HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_NONE). Die and Group
       levels are ignored unless they bring structure

       Note that group objects are also ignored individually (without the entire
       level) when they do not bring structure.


              Keep all objects of this type. Cannot be set for HWLOC_OBJ_GROUP
              (groups are designed only to add more structure to the topology).

              Ignore all objects of this type. The bottom-level type
              HWLOC_OBJ_PU, the HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE type, and the top-level type
              HWLOC_OBJ_MACHINE may not be ignored.

              Only ignore objects if their entire level does not bring any
              structure. Keep the entire level of objects if at least one of
              these objects adds structure to the topology. An object brings
              structure when it has multiple children and it is not the only
              child of its parent.

       If all objects in the level are the only child of their parent, and if
       none of them has multiple children, the entire level is removed.

       Cannot be set for I/O and Misc objects since the topology structure does
       not matter there.

              Only keep likely-important objects of the given type. It is only
              useful for I/O object types. For HWLOC_OBJ_PCI_DEVICE and
              HWLOC_OBJ_OS_DEVICE, it means that only objects of major/common
              kinds are kept (storage, network, OpenFabrics, CUDA, OpenCL, RSMI,
              NVML, and displays). Also, only OS devices directly attached on
              PCI (e.g. no USB) are reported. For HWLOC_OBJ_BRIDGE, it means
              that bridges are kept only if they have children.

       This flag equivalent to HWLOC_TYPE_FILTER_KEEP_ALL for Normal, Memory and
       Misc types since they are likely important.

Function Documentation

   unsigned long hwloc_topology_get_flags (hwloc_topology_t topology)
       Get OR'ed flags of a topology. Get the OR'ed set of
       hwloc_topology_flags_e of a topology.

       If hwloc_topology_set_flags() was not called earlier, no flags are set (0
       is returned).

           the flags previously set with hwloc_topology_set_flags().

   const struct hwloc_topology_support* hwloc_topology_get_support
       (hwloc_topology_t restrict topology)
       Retrieve the topology support. Each flag indicates whether a feature is
       supported. If set to 0, the feature is not supported. If set to 1, the
       feature is supported, but the corresponding call may still fail in some
       corner cases.

       These features are also listed by hwloc-info --support

       The reported features are what the current topology supports on the
       current machine. If the topology was exported to XML from another machine
       and later imported here, support still describes what is supported for
       this imported topology after import. By default, binding will be reported
       as unsupported in this case (see HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM).

       Topology flag HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IMPORT_SUPPORT may be used to report
       the supported features of the original remote machine instead. If it was
       successfully imported, imported_support will be set in the struct
       hwloc_topology_misc_support array.

   int hwloc_topology_get_type_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
       hwloc_obj_type_t type, enum hwloc_type_filter_e * filter)
       Get the current filtering for the given object type.

   void* hwloc_topology_get_userdata (hwloc_topology_t topology)
       Retrieve the topology-specific userdata pointer. Retrieve the
       application-given private data pointer that was previously set with

   int hwloc_topology_is_thissystem (hwloc_topology_t restrict topology)
       Does the topology context come from this system?

           1 if this topology context was built using the system running this

           0 instead (for instance if using another file-system root, a XML
           topology file, or a synthetic topology).

   int hwloc_topology_set_all_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
       hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       Set the filtering for all object types. If some types do not support this
       filtering, they are silently ignored.

   int hwloc_topology_set_cache_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
       hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       Set the filtering for all CPU cache object types. Memory-side caches are
       not involved since they are not CPU caches.

   int hwloc_topology_set_flags (hwloc_topology_t topology, unsigned long flags)
       Set OR'ed flags to non-yet-loaded topology. Set a OR'ed set of
       hwloc_topology_flags_e onto a topology that was not yet loaded.

       If this function is called multiple times, the last invocation will erase
       and replace the set of flags that was previously set.

       By default, no flags are set (0).

       The flags set in a topology may be retrieved with

   int hwloc_topology_set_icache_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
       hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       Set the filtering for all CPU instruction cache object types. Memory-side
       caches are not involved since they are not CPU caches.

   int hwloc_topology_set_io_types_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology, enum
       hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       Set the filtering for all I/O object types.

   int hwloc_topology_set_type_filter (hwloc_topology_t topology,
       hwloc_obj_type_t type, enum hwloc_type_filter_e filter)
       Set the filtering for the given object type.

   void hwloc_topology_set_userdata (hwloc_topology_t topology, const void *
       Set the topology-specific userdata pointer. Each topology may store one
       application-given private data pointer. It is initialized to NULL. hwloc
       will never modify it.

       Use it as you wish, after hwloc_topology_init() and until

       This pointer is not exported to XML.


       Generated automatically by Doxygen for Hardware Locality (hwloc) from the
       source code.

Version 2.8.0                    Wed Jun 29 2022     hwlocality_configuration(3)

hwloc 2.8.0 - Generated Sun Aug 28 14:53:21 CDT 2022
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