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man im_LabQ2Lab(3)
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IM_XYZ2disp(3)                                                  IM_XYZ2disp(3)


       im_LabQ2Lab,   im_Lab2LabQ,  im_LabQ2LabS,  im_LabS2LabQ,  im_Lab2LabS,
       im_LabS2Lab - pack and unpack LABPACK images.


       #include <vips/vips.h>

       int im_LabQ2Lab(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;

       int im_Lab2LabQ(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;

       int im_Lab2LabS(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;

       int im_LabS2LabQ(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;

       int im_LabS2Lab(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;

       int im_LabQ2LabS(in, out)
       IMAGE *in, *out;


       These functions pack and unpack LAB images.

       LabQ is Lab packed in to 4 unsigned chars, with the Coding field set to
       LABPACK.   It  counts  as  a coded type, since most operations will not
       give the correct result on an image of this type.   This  is  the  MARC
       image  type. Bits are allocated as 10 for L and 11 for each of a and b.
       The first three bytes contain  the  8  most  significant  bits  of  Lab
       respectively,  the  final  byte  has  2/3/3  bits  (MSB on left) of Lab

       im_LabQ2Lab() and im_Lab2LabQ() convert LABPACK images  to  three  band
       float  images, scaled to look sensible to humans. This is the most con-
       venient LAB format for development work, but is rather slow.

       im_LabQ2LabS() and im_LabS2LabQ() convert LABPACK  to  and  from  three
       band  signed  short  images. L is shifted and masked to be in the range
       [0,32767], a and b are shifted and masked  to  lie  in  [-32768,32767].
       This  is  the  best  computational  LAB format, combining precision and
       speed. Programs such as conv(1X) and similarity(1X), which can  operate
       directly on LABPACK images, unpack to LabS for computation.


       The functions return 0 on success and -1 on error.


       im_col_XYZ2rgb(3), im_dE_fromdisp(3), im_XYZ2disp(3).


       National Gallery, 1990 - 1993


       J. Cupitt - 21/7/93

                                2 Decemder 1992                 IM_XYZ2disp(3)

im_Lab2LabQ 7.14.5 - Generated Sun Sep 7 16:51:22 CDT 2008
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