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man im_col_Chucs2h(3)
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im_col_XYZ2rgb(3)                                            im_col_XYZ2rgb(3)


       im_col_Lab2LCh,    im_col_LCh2ab,    im_col_Lab2XYZ,    im_col_XYZ2Lab,
       im_col_pythagoras,  im_col_display,   im_col_XYZ2rgb,   im_col_rgb2XYZ,
       im_col_L2Lucs,     im_col_Lucs2L,     im_col_C2Cucs,     im_col_Cucs2C,
       im_col_Ch2hucs, im_col_Chucs2h, im_col_make_tables_UCS, im_col_dECMC  -
       colour space conversion


       #include <vips/vips.h>

       int im_col_ab2Ch( a, b, C, h )
       float a, b, *C, *h;

       int im_col_Ch2ab( C, h, a, b )
       float C, h, *a, *b;

       int im_col_Lab2XYZ( L, a, b, X, Y, Z )
       float L, a, b, *X, *Y, *Z;

       int im_col_XYZ2Lab( X, Y, Z, L, a, b )
       float X, Y, Z, *L, *a, *b;

       float im_col_pythagoras( L1, a1, b1, L2, a2, b2 )
       float L1, a1, b1, L2, a2, b2;

       extern struct im_col_display *im_col_displays[];

       struct im_col_tab_disp *im_col_make_tables_RGB( im, display )
       IMAGE *im;
       struct im_col_display *display;

       int im_col_XYZ2rgb( display, table, X, Y, Z, r, g, b, oflow )
       struct im_col_display *display;
       struct im_col_tab_disp *table;
       float X, Y, Z;
       int *r, *g, *b;
       int *oflow;

       int im_col_rgb2XYZ( display, table, r, g, b, X, Y, Z )
       struct im_col_display *display;
       struct im_col_tab_disp *table;
       int r, g, b;
       float *X, *Y, *Z;

       float im_col_L2Lucs( L )
       float L;

       float im_col_Lucs2L( Lucs )
       float Lucs;

       float im_col_C2Cucs( C )
       float C;

       float im_col_Cucs2C( Cucs )
       float Cucs;

       float im_col_Ch2hucs( C, h )
       float h, C;

       float im_col_Chucs2h( C, hucs )
       float hucs, C;

       void im_col_make_tables_UCS( void )

       float im_col_dECMC( L1, a1, b1, L2, a2, b2 )
       float L1, a1, b1, L2, a2, b2;


       Colour space conversion.  These functions convert colour values between
       four different formats: XYZ (float), Lab (float), UCS (float), and  RGB
       (unsigned  char)  displayable.  Additionally, functions are provided to
       move from (a,b)-style rectangular  colour  coordinates  to  (C,h)-style
       coordinates. h is always in degrees.

       UCS  is a colour space derived from the CMC(1:1) equations. There is no
       easy analytical conversion from UCS to Lab, so look-up tables are used.
       These  have  to  be built with a call to im_col_make_tables_UCS(). Once
       built, these tables are shared by  all  UCS  functions.  You  may  call
       im_col_make_tables_UCS()  many  times  -  tables  are only built on the
       first call.

       im_col_pythagoras() returns the pythagoran distance between two  points
       in  a  colour  space.  It  can  be  used  for finding CIELAB delta E's.
       im_col_dECMC() returns the colour difference between two LAB points  in

       An   im_col_display   structure   characterises   a   CRT  screen  (see
       <vips/colour.h>).  You can make up your own (if you can find a TV anal-
       yser),  or use one of the structures provied by VIPS in the NULL-termi-
       nated array im_col_displays[]. See the source for disp2XYZ(1) for ideas
       on extracting a display struct from this list.

       im_make_tables_RGB(3)  has  a  display  type as argument, and returns a
       pointer to the  structure  im_col_tab_RGB.  This  latter  contains  the
       matrices  to go from XYZ to luminances (and back), and the tables to go
       from the luminances (in r, g, b) to the effective signal values  to  be
       applied  to  the monitor input (and back). The function returns NULL on
       error. The IMAGE argument is passed on to im_malloc() to make the space
       required for the tables. Pass either NULL (if you need to free the mem-
       ory yourself) or an IMAGE descriptor (if you  want  the  memory  to  be
       freed automatically when that descriptor is closed).

       im_col_XYZ2rgb() takes a display, a look-up table and an XYZ coordinate
       are returns three values in the range 0-255. The extra value  oflow  is
       set  to 0 if the specified XYZ position aflls within the display gamut,
       and to 1 if the point lies outside the gamut. im_col_rgb2XYZ()  is  the
       reverse transformation.


       The functions (usually) return 0 on success and -1 on error.


       im_XYZ2disp(3), im_dE_fromdisp(3).


       National Gallery, 1990-1993.


       D. Saunders - 1988
       J.Ph. Laurent - 2/12/1992
       J.Cupitt - 21/7/93

                                2 December 1992              im_col_XYZ2rgb(3)

im_col_XYZ2rgb 7.14.5 - Generated Sat Sep 6 08:06:53 CDT 2008
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