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man im_recomb(3)
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im_recomb(3)                                                      im_recomb(3)


       im_recomb - matrix recombination of image


       #include <vips/vips.h>

       int im_recomb(imagein, imageout, mat)
       IMAGE *imagein, *imageout;
       DOUBLEMASK *mat;


       im_recomb()  recombines  the  elements  of an m band image to form an n
       band image using mat, an m by n matrix of floating point numbers.

       It calculates

         A = B x C

       where A is an n band output image, C is an m band input image and B  is
       an m by n matrix of floats. Can be used with a 3 by 3 matrix to perform
       simple colour space transforms; 7 by 30  matrix  to  shrink  3rd  order
       development of 3 filter system to XYZ etc.

       The output type is float unless the input type is double, in which case
       the output type is double. It does not work for  complex  image  types.
       All intermediates are calculated as double.  Note that the width of the
       matrix should be equal to the number of bands in the input image.


       The function returns 0 on success and -1 on error.


       im_read_dmask(3), im_matinv(3), im_lintra(3)


       National Gallery and Birkbeck College, 1990 - 1996

                                 11 April 1990                    im_recomb(3)

im_recomb 7.14.5 - Generated Mon Sep 8 19:31:46 CDT 2008
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