libssh2_sign_sk(3) libssh2 libssh2_sign_sk(3)
libssh2_sign_sk - Create a signature from a FIDO2 authenticator.
#include <libssh2.h> int libssh2_sign_sk(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, unsigned char **sig, size_t *sig_len, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_len, void **abstract); typedef struct _LIBSSH2_PRIVKEY_SK { int algorithm; uint8_t flags; const char *application; const unsigned char *key_handle; size_t handle_len; LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_SK_SIGN_FUNC((*sign_callback)); void **orig_abstract; } LIBSSH2_PRIVKEY_SK;
session - Session instance as returned by libssh2_session_init_ex(3) sig - A pointer to a buffer in which to place the signature. The caller is responsible for freeing the signature with LIBSSH2_FREE. sig_len - A pointer to the length of the sig parameter. data - The data to sign. data_len - The length of the data parameter. abstract - A pointer to a pointer to a LIBSSH2_PRIVKEY_SK. See description below. Create a signature from a FIDO2 authenticator, using either the sk-ssh- or key exchange algorithms. The abstract parameter is a pointer to a pointer due to the internal workings of libssh2. The LIBSSH2_PRIVKEY_SK must be completely filled out, and the caller is responsible for all memory management of its fields. algorithm - The signing algorithm to use. Possible values are LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_ED25519 and LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_ECDSA_256. flags - A bitmask specifying options for the authenticator. When LIBSSH2_SK_PRESENCE_REQUIRED is set, the authenticator requires a touch. When LIBSSH2_SK_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED is set, the authenticator requires a PIN. Many servers and authenticators do not work properly when LIBSSH2_SK_PRESENCE_REQUIRED is not set. application - A user-defined string to use as the RP name for the authenticator. Usually "ssh:". key_handle - The key handle to use for the authenticator's allow list. handle_len - The length of the key_handle parameter. abstract - User-defined data. When a PIN is required, use this to pass in the PIN, or a function pointer to retrieve the PIN. key_handle The decoded key handle from the private key file. handle_len The length of the key_handle parameter. sign_callback - Responsible for communicating with the hardware authenticator to generate a signature. On success, the signature information must be placed in the `sig_info sig_info parameter and the callback must return 0. On failure, it should return a negative number. See libssh2_userauth_publickey_sk(3) for more information. orig_abstract - User-defined data. When a PIN is required, use this to pass in the PIN, or a function pointer to retrieve the PIN.
Return 0 on success or negative on failure.
libssh2_userauth_publickey_sk(3) libssh2 1.10.0 1 Jun 2022 libssh2_sign_sk(3)
libssh2 1.11.0 - Generated Tue Jun 6 18:45:04 CDT 2023