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ne_session_proxy(3)           neon API reference           ne_session_proxy(3)


       ne_session_proxy, ne_session_socks_proxy, ne_session_system_proxy,
       ne_set_addrlist - configure proxy servers


       #include <ne_session.h>

       ne_session_proxy(3) *session, const char *hostname,
                             unsigned int port);

       void ne_session_system_proxy(ne_session *session, unsigned int flags);

       void ne_session_socks_proxy(ne_session *session,
                                   enum ne_sock_sversion version,
                                   const char *hostname, unsigned int port,
                                   const char *username,
                                   const char *password);

       void ne_set_addrlist(ne_session *session,
                            const ne_inet_addr **addrlist, size_t count);


       One (and no more than one) of the functions ne_session_proxy,
       ne_session_system_proxy, ne_session_socks_proxy, ne_set_addrlist can be
       used to configure a proxy server for a given session object. If more
       than one function is invoked for any given session object, only the
       last call has effect. If one of the functions is to be used, it must be
       used before the creation of any request object for the session.

   HTTP proxy specification
       The ne_session_proxy function configures use of an HTTP proxy server
       for the session, the location of which is given by the hostname and
       port paramters. If the proxy requires authentication, ne_set_proxy_auth
       should be used.

   System proxy configuration
       The ne_session_system_proxy function configures the session to use any
       proxy servers specified by the system configuration. Support for this
       function is platform-specific; if unsupported, the function has no

   SOCKS proxy configuration
       The ne_session_socks_proxy function configures the session to use a
       SOCKS proxy. The version indicates which version of the SOCKS protocol
       should be used. The hostname and port parameters specify the SOCKS
       proxy location. Note that a server with only an IPv6 address cannot be
       used with SOCKS v4 or v4A. The interpretation of the other arguments
       depends on the version specified:

       NE_SOCK_SOCKSV4 (version 4)
           The username parameter must be non-NULL; the password parameter is

       NE_SOCK_SOCKSV4A (version 4A)
           The username parameter must be non-NULL; the password parameter is

       NE_SOCK_SOCKSV5 (version 5)
           The username parameter may be NULL; if it is non-NULL, the password
           parameter must also be non-NULL; otherwise, it is ignored..

   Origin server address override
       The ne_set_addrlist function forces use of an address and port the a
       specified list when establishing a TCP connection, ignoring the "real"
       hostname and port identifying the origin server for the session (as
       passed to ne_session_create). The origin server's "real" hostname and
       port will still be used in the Host header in HTTP requests. When a
       connection is required, the library will iterate through the addrlist
       list, attempting to connect to the address addrlist[0] through to
       addrlist[count-1] in turn, until a connection can be established.


       None of the functions described here has a return value.


       Create and destroy a session:

           ne_session *sess;
           sess = ne_session_create("http", "", 80);
           ne_session_proxy(sess, "", 3128);
           /* ... use sess ... */


       ne_ssl_set_verify, ne_ssl_trust_cert, ne_sock_init, ne_set_session_flag


       Joe Orton <>


neon 0.30.0                      31 July 2013              ne_session_proxy(3)

neon 0.30.0 - Generated Tue Aug 27 07:19:14 CDT 2013
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