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man ne_ssl_clicert_read(3)
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NE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT(3)         neon API reference         NE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT(3)


       ne_ssl_clicert_read, ne_ssl_clicert_name, ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted,
       ne_ssl_clicert_decrypt, ne_ssl_clicert_owner, ne_ssl_clicert_free - SSL
       client certificate handling


       #include <ne_ssl.h>

       ne_ssl_clicert_read(3) char *filename);

       const char *ne_ssl_clicert_name(const ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert);

       int ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted(const ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert);

       int ne_ssl_clicert_decrypt(ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert,
                                  const char *password);

       const ne_ssl_certificate
                                                      *ne_ssl_clicert_owner(const ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert);

       void ne_ssl_clicert_free(ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert);


       The ne_ssl_clicert_read function reads a client certificate from a
       PKCS#12-formatted file, and returns an ne_ssl_client_cert object. If
       the client certificate is encrypted, it must be decrypted before it is
       used. An ne_ssl_client_cert object holds a client certificate and the
       associated private key, not just a certificate; the term "client
       certificate" will used to refer to this pair.

       A client certificate can be in one of two states: encrypted or
       decrypted. The ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted function will return non-zero
       if the client certificate is in the encrypted state. A client
       certificate object returned by ne_ssl_clicert_read may be initially in
       either state, depending on whether the file was encrypted or not.

       ne_ssl_clicert_decrypt can be used to decrypt a client certificate
       using the appropriate password. This function must only be called if
       the object is in the encrypted state; if decryption fails, the
       certificate state does not change, so decryption can be attempted more
       than once using different passwords.

       A client certificate can be given a "friendly name" when it is created;
       ne_ssl_clicert_name will return this name (or NULL if no friendly name
       was specified).  ne_ssl_clicert_name can be used when the client
       certificate is in either the encrypted or decrypted state, and will
       return the same string for the lifetime of the object.

       The function ne_ssl_clicert_owner returns the certificate part of the
       client certificate; it must only be called if the client certificate is
       in the decrypted state.

       When the client certificate is no longer needed, the
       ne_ssl_clicert_free function should be used to destroy the object.


       ne_ssl_clicert_read returns a client certificate object, or NULL if the
       file could not be read.  ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted returns zero if the
       object is in the decrypted state, or non-zero if it is in the encrypted
       state.  ne_ssl_clicert_name returns a NUL-terminated friendly name
       string, or NULL.  ne_ssl_clicert_owner returns a certificate object.


       The following code reads a client certificate and decrypts it if
       necessary, then loads it into an HTTP session.

           ne_ssl_client_cert *ccert;

           ccert = ne_ssl_clicert_read("/path/to/client.p12");

           if (ccert == NULL) {
              /* handle error... */
           } else if (ne_ssl_clicert_encrypted(ccert)) {
              char *password = prompt_for_password();

              if (ne_ssl_clicert_decrypt(ccert, password)) {
                 /* could not decrypt! handle error... */

           ne_ssl_set_clicert(sess, ccert);




       Joe Orton <>


neon 0.30.1                    23 September 2014         NE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT(3)

neon 0.30.1 - Generated Sun Oct 16 09:36:22 CDT 2016
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