utility_handlers(3) net-snmp utility_handlers(3)
utility_handlers - Simplify request processing A group of handlers intended to simplify certain aspects of processing a request for a MIB object. Modules bulk_to_next Convert GETBULK requests into GETNEXT requests for the handler. cache_handler Maintains a cache of data for use by lower level handlers. debug Print out debugging information about the handler chain being called. mode_end_call At the end of a series of requests, call another handler hook. multiplexer Splits mode requests into calls to different handlers. read_only Make your handler read_only automatically The only purpose of this handler is to return an appropriate error for any requests passed to it in a SET mode. row_merge Calls sub handlers with request for one row at a time. serialize Calls sub handlers one request at a time. stash_to_next Convert GET_STASH requests into GETNEXT requests for the handler.
Detailed Description
Simplify request processing A group of handlers intended to simplify certain aspects of processing a request for a MIB object. These helpers do not implement any MIB objects themselves. Rather they handle specific generic situations, either returning an error, or passing a (possibly simpler) request down to lower level handlers. Version 5.4.2 5 Sep 2008 utility_handlers(3)
Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:21:45 CDT 2009