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man newSWFCXform(3)
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newSWFCXform(3)                                                newSWFCXform(3)


       newSWFCXform - creates a new color transform with the given parameters


       #include <ming.h>

       SWFCXform newSWFCXform
            int rAdd,
            int gAdd,
            int bAdd,
            int aAdd,
            float rMult,
            float gMult,
            float bMult,
            float aMult


       int rAdd
              Not Documented.

       int gAdd
              Not Documented.

       int bAdd
              Not Documented.

       int aAdd
              Not Documented.

       float rMult
              Not Documented.

       float gMult
              Not Documented.

       float bMult
              Not Documented.

       float aMult
              Not Documented.


       Creates a new color transform with the given parameters.

c2man cxform.c                 26 February 2008                newSWFCXform(3)

ming 0.4.3 - Generated Sun Dec 5 18:21:52 CST 2010
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