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man xcb_change_window_attributes_checked(3)
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xcb_change_window_attributes(3)  XCB Requests  xcb_change_window_attributes(3)


       xcb_change_window_attributes - change window attributes


       #include <xcb/xproto.h>

   Request function
       xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_change_window_attributes(xcb_connection_t *conn,
              xcb_window_t window, uint32_t value_mask, const
              void *value_list);


       conn      The XCB connection to X11.

       window    The window to change.

                 One of the following values:

                           Overrides the default background-pixmap. The back-
                           ground pixmap and window must have the same root
                           and same depth. Any size pixmap can be used, al-
                           though some sizes may be faster than others.

                           If XCB_BACK_PIXMAP_NONE is specified, the window
                           has no defined background.  The server may fill the
                           contents with the previous screen contents or with
                           contents of its own choosing.

                           If XCB_BACK_PIXMAP_PARENT_RELATIVE is specified,
                           the parent's background is used, but the window
                           must have the same depth as the parent (or a Match
                           error results).   The parent's background is
                           tracked, and the current version is used each time
                           the window background is required.

                           Overrides BackPixmap. A pixmap of undefined size
                           filled with the specified background pixel is used
                           for the background. Range-checking is not per-
                           formed, the background pixel is truncated to the
                           appropriate number of bits.

                           Overrides the default border-pixmap. The border
                           pixmap and window must have the same root and the
                           same depth. Any size pixmap can be used, although
                           some sizes may be faster than others.

                           The special value XCB_COPY_FROM_PARENT means the
                           parent's border pixmap is copied (subsequent
                           changes to the parent's border attribute do not af-
                           fect the child), but the window must have the same
                           depth as the parent.

                           Overrides BorderPixmap. A pixmap of undefined size
                           filled with the specified border pixel is used for
                           the border. Range checking is not performed on the
                           border-pixel value, it is truncated to the appro-
                           priate number of bits.

                           Defines which region of the window should be re-
                           tained if the window is resized.

                           Defines how the window should be repositioned if
                           the parent is resized (see ConfigureWindow).

                           A backing-store of WhenMapped advises the server
                           that maintaining contents of obscured regions when
                           the window is mapped would be beneficial. A back-
                           ing-store of Always advises the server that main-
                           taining contents even when the window is unmapped
                           would be beneficial. In this case, the server may
                           generate an exposure event when the window is cre-
                           ated. A value of NotUseful advises the server that
                           maintaining contents is unnecessary, although a
                           server may still choose to maintain contents while
                           the window is mapped. Note that if the server main-
                           tains contents, then the server should maintain
                           complete contents not just the region within the
                           parent boundaries, even if the window is larger
                           than its parent. While the server maintains con-
                           tents, exposure events will not normally be gener-
                           ated, but the server may stop maintaining contents
                           at any time.

                           The backing-planes indicates (with bits set to 1)
                           which bit planes of the window hold dynamic data
                           that must be preserved in backing-stores and during

                           The backing-pixel specifies what value to use in
                           planes not covered by backing-planes. The server is
                           free to save only the specified bit planes in the
                           backing-store or save-under and regenerate the re-
                           maining planes with the specified pixel value. Any
                           bits beyond the specified depth of the window in
                           these values are simply ignored.

                           The override-redirect specifies whether map and
                           configure requests on this window should override a
                           SubstructureRedirect on the parent, typically to
                           inform a window manager not to tamper with the win-

                           If 1, the server is advised that when this window
                           is mapped, saving the contents of windows it ob-
                           scures would be beneficial.

                           The event-mask defines which events the client is
                           interested in for this window (or for some event
                           types, inferiors of the window).

                           The do-not-propagate-mask defines which events
                           should not be propagated to ancestor windows when
                           no client has the event type selected in this win-

                           The colormap specifies the colormap that best re-
                           flects the true colors of the window. Servers capa-
                           ble of supporting multiple hardware colormaps may
                           use this information, and window man- agers may use
                           it for InstallColormap requests. The colormap must
                           have the same visual type and root as the window
                           (or a Match error results). If CopyFromParent is
                           specified, the parent's colormap is copied (subse-
                           quent changes to the parent's colormap attribute do
                           not affect the child).  However, the window must
                           have the same visual type as the parent (or a Match
                           error results), and the parent must not have a col-
                           ormap of None (or a Match error results). For an
                           explanation of None, see FreeColormap request. The
                           colormap is copied by sharing the colormap object
                           between the child and the parent, not by making a
                           complete copy of the colormap contents.

                           If a cursor is specified, it will be used whenever
                           the pointer is in the window. If None is speci-
                           fied, the parent's cursor will be used when the
                           pointer is in the window, and any change in the
                           parent's cursor will cause an immediate change in
                           the displayed cursor.

                 Values for each of the attributes specified in the bitmask
                 value_mask. The order has to correspond to the order of pos-
                 sible value_mask bits. See the example.


       Changes the attributes specified by value_mask for the specified win-


       Returns an xcb_void_cookie_t. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the
       event loop.

       If you want to handle errors directly with xcb_request_check instead,
       use xcb_change_window_attributes_checked. See xcb-requests(3) for de-


                 TODO: reasons?

                 TODO: reasons?

                 TODO: reasons?

                 TODO: reasons?

                 TODO: reasons?

                 TODO: reasons?

                 The specified window does not exist.




       Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor-
       rections and improvements.

X Version 11                      libxcb 1.12  xcb_change_window_attributes(3)

xorg-libxcb 1.12 - Generated Mon May 30 13:03:26 CDT 2016
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