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man xcb_send_event_checked(3)
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xcb_send_event(3)                XCB Requests                xcb_send_event(3)


       xcb_send_event - send an event


       #include <xcb/xproto.h>

   Request function
       xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_send_event(xcb_connection_t *conn,
              uint8_t propagate, xcb_window_t destination,
              uint32_t event_mask, const char *event);


       conn      The XCB connection to X11.

       propagate If propagate is true and no clients have selected any event
                 on destination, the destination is replaced with the closest
                 ancestor of destination for which some client has selected a
                 type in event_mask and for which no intervening window has
                 that type in its do-not-propagate-mask. If no such window ex-
                 ists or if the window is an ancestor of the focus window and
                 InputFocus was originally specified as the destination, the
                 event is not sent to any clients. Otherwise, the event is re-
                 ported to every client selecting on the final destination any
                 of the types specified in event_mask.

                 The window to send this event to. Every client which selects
                 any event within event_mask on destination will get the

                 The special value XCB_SEND_EVENT_DEST_POINTER_WINDOW refers
                 to the window that contains the mouse pointer.

                 The special value XCB_SEND_EVENT_DEST_ITEM_FOCUS refers to
                 the window which has the keyboard focus.

                 Event_mask for determining which clients should receive the
                 specified event.  See destination and propagate.

       event     The event to send to the specified destination.


       Identifies the destination window, determines which clients should re-
       ceive the specified event and ignores any active grabs.

       The event must be one of the core events or an event defined by an ex-
       tension, so that the X server can correctly byte-swap the contents as
       necessary. The contents of event are otherwise unaltered and unchecked
       except for the send_event field which is forced to 'true'.


       Returns an xcb_void_cookie_t. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the
       event loop.

       If you want to handle errors directly with xcb_request_check instead,
       use xcb_send_event_checked. See xcb-requests(3) for details.


                 The given event is neither a core event nor an event defined
                 by an extension.

                 The specified destination window does not exist.


        * Tell the given window that it was configured to a size of 800x600 pixels.
       void my_example(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_window_t window) {
           /* Every X11 event is 32 bytes long. Therefore, XCB will copy 32 bytes.
            * In order to properly initialize these bytes, we allocate 32 bytes even
            * though we only need less for an xcb_configure_notify_event_t */
           xcb_configure_notify_event_t *event = calloc(32, 1);

           event->event = window;
           event->window = window;
           event->response_type = XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY;

           event->x = 0;
           event->y = 0;
           event->width = 800;
           event->height = 600;

           event->border_width = 0;
           event->above_sibling = XCB_NONE;
           event->override_redirect = false;

           xcb_send_event(conn, false, window, XCB_EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY,


       xcb-requests(3), xcb-examples(3), xcb_configure_notify_event_t(3)


       Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor-
       rections and improvements.

X Version 11                      libxcb 1.14                xcb_send_event(3)

xorg-libxcb 1.14 - Generated Sun Mar 8 15:21:14 CDT 2020
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