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xdot(3)                 Library Functions Manual                 xdot(3)


       libxdot - parsing and deparsing of xdot operations


       #include <graphviz/xdot.h>

       typedef enum {
       } xdot_grad_type;

       typedef struct {
           float frac;
           char* color;
       } xdot_color_stop;

       typedef struct {
           double x0, y0;
           double x1, y1;
           int n_stops;
           xdot_color_stop* stops;
       } xdot_linear_grad;

       typedef struct {
           double x0, y0, r0;
           double x1, y1, r1;
           int n_stops;
           xdot_color_stop* stops;
       } xdot_radial_grad;

       typedef struct {
           xdot_grad_type type;
           union {
              char* clr;
              xdot_linear_grad ling;
              xdot_radial_grad ring;
           } u;
       } xdot_color;

       typedef enum {
           xd_left, xd_center, xd_right
       } xdot_align;

       typedef struct {
           double x, y, z;
       } xdot_point;

       typedef struct {
           double x, y, w, h;
       } xdot_rect;

       typedef struct {
           int cnt;
           xdot_point* pts;
       } xdot_polyline;

       typedef struct {
         double x, y;
         xdot_align align;
         double width;
         char* text;
       } xdot_text;

       typedef struct {
           xdot_rect pos;
           char* name;
       } xdot_image;

       typedef struct {
           double size;
           char* name;
       } xdot_font;

       typedef enum {
           xd_filled_ellipse, xd_unfilled_ellipse,
           xd_filled_polygon, xd_unfilled_polygon,
           xd_filled_bezier,  xd_unfilled_bezier,
           xd_polyline,       xd_text,
           xd_fill_color,     xd_pen_color, xd_font, xd_style, xd_image,
           xd_grad_fill_color,     xd_grad_pen_color,
       } xdot_kind;

       typedef enum {
           xop_polyline,       xop_text,
           xop_fill_color,     xop_pen_color, xop_font, xop_style, xop_image,
       } xop_kind;

       typedef struct _xdot_op xdot_op;
       typedef void (*drawfunc_t)(xdot_op*, int);
       typedef void (*freefunc_t)(xdot_op*);

       struct _xdot_op {
           xdot_kind kind;
           union {
             xdot_rect ellipse;       /* xd_filled_ellipse, xd_unfilled_ellipse */
             xdot_polyline polygon;   /* xd_filled_polygon, xd_unfilled_polygon */
             xdot_polyline polyline;  /* xd_polyline */
             xdot_polyline bezier;    /* xd_filled_bezier,  xd_unfilled_bezier */
             xdot_text text;          /* xd_text */
             xdot_image image;        /* xd_image */
             char* color;             /* xd_fill_color, xd_pen_color */
             xdot_color grad_color;   /* xd_grad_fill_color, xd_grad_pen_color */
             xdot_font font;          /* xd_font */
             char* style;             /* xd_style */
             unsigned int fontchar;   /* xd_fontchar */
           } u;
           drawfunc_t drawfunc;

       #define XDOT_PARSE_ERROR 1

       typedef struct {
           int cnt;
           int sz;
           xdot_op* ops;
           freefunc_t freefunc;
           int flags;
       } xdot;

       typedef struct {
           int cnt;  /* no. of xdot ops */
           int n_ellipse;
           int n_polygon;
           int n_polygon_pts;
           int n_polyline;
           int n_polyline_pts;
           int n_bezier;
           int n_bezier_pts;
           int n_text;
           int n_font;
           int n_style;
           int n_color;
           int n_image;
           int n_gradcolor;
           int n_fontchar;
       } xdot_stats;

       xdot* parseXDotF (char*, drawfunc_t opfns[], int sz);
       xdot* parseXDotFOn (char*, drawfunc_t opfns[], int sz, xdot*);
       xdot* parseXDot (char*);
       char* sprintXDot (xdot*);
       void fprintXDot (FILE*, xdot*);
       void jsonXDot (FILE*, xdot*);
       void freeXDot (xdot*);
       int statXDot (xdot*, xdot_stats*);

       xdot_grad_type colorType (char*);
       xdot_color* parseXDotColor (char*);
       void freeXDotColor (xdot_color*);


       libxdot provides support for parsing and deparsing graphical operations
       specified by the xdot language.

       This encapsulates a series of cnt xdot operations, stored in the array
       pointed to by ops. The sz indicates the size of each item stored in
       ops. If the user sets the freefunc field, this function will be called
       on each item in ops during freeXDot before the library does its own
       clean up of the item. This allows the user to free any resources stored
       in the item by using an expansion of the xdot_op structure.

       A value of this type represents one xdot operation. The operation is
       specified by the kind field. The corresponding data is stored in the
       union u, with the subfield associated with a given kind indicated by
       the comments.

       The drawfunc field allows the user to attach a drawing-specific
       function to the operation, providing an object-based interface. These
       functions can be automatically attached during parsing by providing a
       non-NULL second argument to parseXDotF.

       This type provides an enumeration of the allowed xdot operations.  See
       for the specific semantics associated with each operation.

       This represents a rectangle. For ellipses, the x and x fields represent
       the center of the rectangle, and w and h give the half-width and half-
       height, respectively.  For images, (x,y) gives the lower left corner of
       the rectangle, and w and h give the width and height, respectively.

       This type encapsulates a series of cnt points.

       A value of this type corresponds to printing the string text using the
       baseline point (x,y).  The width field gives an approximation of how
       wide the printed string will be using the current font and font size.
       The align field indicates how the text should be horizontally aligned
       with the point (x,y).

       This denotes the insertion of an image. The image source is given by
       name. The images is to be placed into the rectangle pos.

       The fields give the name and size, in points, of a font.

       This enumeration type corresponds to the xdot alignment values -1, 0
       and 1 used with the text operator, or '\l', '\n' and '\r' used in dot

     xdot* parseXDotF (char *str, drawfunc_t* opfns, int sz)
       Parses the string str as a sequence of xdot operations and returns a
       pointer to the resulting xdot structure.  The function parses as many
       xdot operations as it can. If some unknown or incorrect input was
       encountered in str, the ops and cnt fields will reflect the operations
       parsed before the error, and the XDOT_PARSE_ERROR bit will be set in
       the flags field.  The function returns NULL if it cannot parse

       If sz is non-zero, it is assumed to be the size of some structure type
       containing xdot_op as a prefix. In this case, the elements in the array
       pointed to by ops will each have size sz.

       If opfns is non-zero, it is taken to be any array of functions indexed
       by xop_kind. During parsing, the drawfunc member of xop_op will be set
       to the corresponding function in opfns.

     xdot* parseXDotFOn (char *str, drawfunc_t* opfns, int sz, xdot* x)
       The same as parseXDotF, but append to the given xdot object x.

     xdot* parseXDot (char *str)
       This is equivalent to parseXDotF(str, 0, 0) .

     void freeXDot (xdot* xp)
       This frees the resources associated with the argument.  If xp is NULL,
       nothing happens.

     extern char* sprintXDot (xdot* xp)
     extern void fprintXDot (FILE* fp, xdot* xp)
       These two functions deparse the argument xdot structure, producing a
       string representation. fprintXDot writes the output onto the open
       stream fp; sprintXDot returns a heap-allocated string.

       The color string with fill and draw operations can encode linear and
       radial gradients. These values are parsed automatically by parseXDotF
       or parseXDot, with xdot_op having kind xd_grad_pen_color or
       xd_grad_fill_color and the value is stored in grad_color.

       For an application that handles its own parsing of xdot, the library
       provides three helper functions.

     xdot(3) * fp, xdot * x)
       Translate a given xdot object to a JSON representation. This
       functionality is currently considered experimental and the format of
       the JSON output may not be stable across Graphviz releases.

     xdot_grad_type colorTypeXDot (char *str)
       returns the color type described by the input string.

     char* parseXDotColor (char *str, xdot_color* clr)
       attempts to parse the string str as a color value, storing the result
       in clr. It returns NULL on failure.

     void freeXDotColor (xdot_color* cp)
       This frees the resources associated with a value of type xdot_color.

     int statXDot (xdot *x, xdot_stats *sp)
       This function is provided for retrieving various statistics about an
       xdot object. Returns 0 on success and populates the output parameter sp
       with counts of various entities in the xdot object.


       Although some small checking is done on the sz argument to parseXDotF,
       it is assumed it is a valid value from sizeof applied to some structure
       type containing xdot_op as its first field. There can be no validation
       of the opfns argument.


       Emden R. Gansner (

                                 31 JULY 2009                       xdot(3)

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