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xprintf(5)                  BSD File Formats Manual                 xprintf(5)


     xprintf -- extensible printf


     #include <printf.h>

     typedef int
     printf_arginfo_function(const struct printf_info *info, size_t n,
         int *argtypes);

     typedef int
     printf_function(FILE *stream, const struct printf_info *info,
         const void *const *args);


     The standard printf(3) family of routines provides a convenient way to
     convert one or more arguments to various forms for output, under the con-
     trol of a format string.  The format string may contain any number of
     conversion specifications, which start with the `%' character and end
     with a conversion specifier character (like `d' or `f'), with conversion
     flag characters in-between.

     Extensible printf is an enhancement that allows adding new (user-defined)
     conversion specifiers, or modifying/removing existing ones.  The imple-
     mentation of extensible printf in Mac OS X is derived from the FreeBSD
     version, which is based on the one in GNU libc (GLIBC).  Documentation
     for the GLIBC version is available at:

     The main problem with the usual forms of extensible printf is that
     changes to printf(3) are program-wide.  But this is unsafe, since frame-
     works, libraries or some other thread could change printf behavior in
     ways unexpected by the main program, or the latter could unexpectedly
     affect the former.

     So instead, the implementation used in Mac OS X makes changes to conver-
     sion specifiers within printf domains, which are independent structures
     containing the specifier definitions.  These domains are created as
     described in xprintf_domain(3), and once set up, it can be passed to a
     xprintf(3) variant along with the format string and arguments to generate
     output.  The standard printf(3) behavior is never affected.

     To define a new conversion specifier, two function typedefs are defined,
     and the user must provide two functions based on these typedefs.  These
     functions will get called from extensible printf while processing the
     corresponding conversion specification.

     During the first of three phases of extensible printf processing, the
     format string is parsed, and for each conversion specification, a struct
     printf_info is created, containing the option flags specified in the con-
     version specification as well as other settings.  Important fields in
     struct printf_info are:

     alt             Boolean value whether the `#' flag was specified.

     context         A void * pointer to arbitrary data specified in the orig-
                     inal call to register_printf_domain_function(3).

     group           Boolean value whether the `'' flag was specified.

     is_char         Boolean value whether the `hh' flag was specified.

     is_intmax       Boolean value whether the `j' flag was specified.

     is_long         Boolean value whether the `l' flag was specified.

     is_long_double  Boolean value whether the `L' or `ll' flags were speci-

     is_ptrdiff      Boolean value whether the `t' flag was specified.

     is_quad         Boolean value whether the `q' flag was specified.

     is_short        Boolean value whether the `h' flag was specified.

     is_size         Boolean value whether the `z' flag was specified.

     is_vec          Boolean value whether the `v' flag was specified.

     left            Boolean value whether the `-' flag was specified.

     loc             The extended locale (see xlocale(3)) specified by the
                     extensible printf caller (never NULL).

     pad             The padding character; either `0' or space.

     prec            The value of the optional precision.  -1 means the preci-
                     sion was unspecified.

     showsign        Boolean value whether the `+' flag was specified.

     signchar        The sign character, either `+', space or zero if none.

     space           Boolean value whether the space flag was specified.

     spec            The specifier character itself.

     vsep            The separator character between vector items (using the
                     `v' flag).  Can be any one of the four characters
                     ``,:;_'' or `X' if no separator character was specified
                     (meaning that a space is used as the separator, unless
                     the specifier is `c', in which case no separator is

     width           The value of the minimum field width (defaults to zero).

     All other structure fields are either unused or private (and shouldn't be

     This struct printf_info structure is then passed to the corresponding
     printf_arginfo_function callback function.  The callback function should
     return the number of consecutive arguments the specifier handles, includ-
     ing zero (the maximum number of consecutive arguments a single specifier
     can handle is __PRINTFMAXARG, which is currently set to 2, but could be
     increased in the future if there is need).

     The callback function is also passed an integer array and the length of
     that array; the length will typically be __PRINTFMAXARG.  The function
     should fill out the array up to the number of arguments it expects, using
     the following values:

     PA_CHAR     The argument type is an int cast to a char.

     PA_DOUBLE   The argument type is a double.  OR-ing PA_DOUBLE with
                 PA_FLAG_LONG_DOUBLE specifies a long double type.

     PA_FLOAT    (Defined but unused; best to avoid, since float is automati-
                 cally promoted to double anyways.)

     PA_INT      The argument type is int (either signed or unsigned).  The
                 size can be adjusted by OR-ing the following values to

                 PA_FLAG_INTMAX     The integer is the size of a intmax_t.

                 PA_FLAG_LONG       The integer is the size of a long.

                 PA_FLAG_LONG_LONG  The integer is the size of a long long.

                 PA_FLAG_PTRDIFF    The integer is the size of a ptrdiff_t.

                 PA_FLAG_QUAD       The integer is the size of a quad_t (dep-

                 PA_FLAG_SHORT      The integer is the size of a short.

                 PA_FLAG_SIZE       The integer is the size of a size_t.

     PA_POINTER  The argument type is a pointer type, cast to a void *.

     PA_STRING   The argument type is a null-terminated character string (char

     PA_VECTOR   The argument type is an AltiVec or SSE vector (16 bytes).

     PA_WCHAR    The argument type is a wchar_t.

     PA_WSTRING  The argument type is a null-terminated wide character string
                 (wchar_t *).

     After the printf_arginfo_function returns, phase 2 of extensible printf
     processing involves converting the argument according to the types speci-
     fied by the returned type array.  Note that positional arguments are
     dealt with here as well.

     Then in phase 3, output is generated, either from the text in-between the
     conversion specifications, or by calling the so-called rendering func-
     tions associated with each conversion specifier (with typedef
     printf_function).  The rendering function is passed the same struct
     printf_info structure, as well as an array of pointers to each of the
     arguments converted in phase 2 that it is responsible for.  The callback
     should write its output to the provided output stdio stream, and then
     return the number of characters written.


     Here is an example that demonstrates many of the features of extensible

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
     #include <printf.h>
     #include <locale.h>
     #include <xlocale.h>
     #include <err.h>

     /* The Coordinate type */
     typedef struct {
         double x;
         double y;
     } Coordinate;

     #define L       (1 << 0)
     #define P       (1 << 1)

     /* The renderer callback for Coordinate */
     static int
     print_coordinate (FILE *stream, const struct printf_info *info,
         const void *const *args)
         const Coordinate *c;
         int width, ret, which = 0;
         char fmt[32];
         char *bp, *cp, *ep;
         /* The optional coordinate labels */
         const char **labels = (const char **)info->context;

         /* Get the argument pointer to a Coordinate */
         c = *((const Coordinate **) (args[0]));

         /* Set up the format string */
         cp = fmt;
         if(info->alt) *cp++ = '(';
         bp = cp;
         if(labels) {
             which |= L;
             *cp++ = '%';
             *cp++ = 's';
         *cp++ = '%';
         if(info->group) *cp++ = '\'';
         *cp++ = '*';
         if(info->prec >= 0) {
             which |= P;
             *cp++ = '.';
             *cp++ = '*';
         *cp++ = 'l';
         *cp++ = 'f';
         ep = cp;
         if(info->alt) *cp++ = ',';
         *cp++ = ' ';
         while(bp < ep) *cp++ = *bp++;
         if(info->alt) *cp++ = ')';
         *cp = 0;

         width = info->left ? -info->width : info->width;

         /* Output to the given stream */
         switch(which) {
         case 0:
             ret = fprintf_l(stream, info->loc, fmt, width, c->x, width, c->y);
         case L:
             ret = fprintf_l(stream, info->loc, fmt, labels[0], width, c->x,
                             labels[1], width, c->y);
         case P:
             ret = fprintf_l(stream, info->loc, fmt, width, info->prec, c->x,
                             width, info->prec, c->y);
         case (L | P):
             ret = fprintf_l(stream, info->loc, fmt, labels[0], width,
                             info->prec, c->x, labels[1], width, info->prec,

         return ret;

     /* The arginfo callback for Coordinate */
     static int
     coordinate_arginfo (const struct printf_info *info, size_t n,
                         int *argtypes)
       /* We always take exactly one argument and this is a pointer to the
          structure.. */
       if (n > 0)
         argtypes[0] = PA_POINTER;
       return 1;

     main (void)
         Coordinate mycoordinate = {12345.6789, 3.141593};
         printf_domain_t domain;
         locale_t loc;
         const char *labels[] = {"x=", "y="};

         /* Set up a domain to add support for Coordinate conversion */
         domain = new_printf_domain();
             err(1, "new_printf_domain");
         /* Set up an extended locale to test locale support */
         loc = newlocale(LC_ALL_MASK, "uk_UA.UTF-8", NULL);
             err(1, "newlocale");

         /* Register the callbacks for Coordinates in the domain */
         register_printf_domain_function (domain, 'C', print_coordinate,
                                          coordinate_arginfo, NULL);

         /* Print the coordinate using the current locale (C). */
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);

         /* Reregister the callbacks, specifying coordinate labels
          * and setting the global locale (notice thousands separator) */
         register_printf_domain_function (domain, 'C', print_coordinate,
                                          coordinate_arginfo, labels);
         if(setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8") == NULL)
             errx(1, "setlocale");

         /* Reprint with labels */
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, NULL, "|%'#-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);

         /* Now print with the test locale (notice decimal point and
          * thousands separator) */
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'#C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'#14C|\n", &mycoordinate);
         xprintf(domain, loc, "|%'#-14.2C|\n", &mycoordinate);

         return 0;

     This example defines a Coordinate type, that consists of a pair of dou-
     bles.  We create a conversion specifier that displays a Coordinate type,
     either just as two floating point numbers, or with the `#' (alternate
     form) flag, as parenthesized numbers separated by a comma.  Note the use
     of printf_l to do the actual output; this is using regular printf from
     within an extensible printf renderer callback.  The use of printf_l also
     insures correct handling of extended locales.

     The output of the programs looks like:

     |12345.678900 3.141593|
     |  12345.678900       3.141593|
     |12345.68       3.14          |
     |(12345.678900, 3.141593)|
     |(  12345.678900,       3.141593)|
     |(12345.68      , 3.14          )|
     |x=12,345.678900 y=3.141593|
     |x= 12,345.678900 y=      3.141593|
     |x=12,345.68      y=3.14          |
     |(x=12,345.678900, y=3.141593)|
     |(x= 12,345.678900, y=      3.141593)|
     |(x=12,345.68     , y=3.14          )|
     |x=12 345,678900 y=3,141593|
     |x= 12 345,678900 y=      3,141593|
     |x=12 345,68      y=3,14          |
     |(x=12 345,678900, y=3,141593)|
     |(x= 12 345,678900, y=      3,141593)|
     |(x=12 345,68     , y=3,14          )|


     o   Field width, precision and left adjustment are applied to each of the

     o   The alternate form, using parenthesized numbers separated by a comma.

     o   In the second group of six, the thousands separator corresponds to
         the global locale setting (en_US.UTF-8).

     o   The second and third group have a label for each number, provide
         through the user-defined context argument.

     o   The third group has the decimal point and thousands separator of the
         extended locale argument (uk_UA.UTF-8).


     Because of the three phase processing of extensible printf, as well as
     the use of two callbacks for each conversion specifier, performance is
     considerably slower than the one pass, highly optimized regular
     printf(3).  Recursive use of printf(3) from within an extensible printf
     renderer callback (as in the EXAMPLE above) adds additional overhead.

     To ameliorate some of this slowness, the concept of separate compilation
     and execution phases has be added to extensible printf.  The functions in
     xprintf_comp(3) allow the creation of pre-compiled extensible printf
     structures (performing phase one of extensible printf processing).  These
     pre-compiled structures can then be passed to the printf variants in
     xprintf_exec(3) to produce the actual output (performing phases 2 and 3).
     The compilation phase need only be done once, while execution can be per-
     formed any number of times.

     A simple example of use is:

         printf_comp_t pc = new_printf_comp(domain, loc, "%d: %C\n");
         for(i = 0; i = sizeof(coords) / sizeof(*coords); i++) {
             xprintf_exec(pc, i, &coords[i]);

     Here, coords is a array containing Coordinate structures that are to be
     printed and the domain and loc variables are as from EXAMPLE above.
     (Error checking on the return value from new_printf_comp() is not shown).


     printf(3), xlocale(3), xprintf(3), xprintf_comp(3), xprintf_domain(3),

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