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man AssetCacheActivatorUtil(8)
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AssetCacheActivatorUti... BSD System Manager's ManualAssetCacheActivatorUti...


     AssetCacheActivatorUtil -- control the macOS caching server


     AssetCacheActivatorUtil activate
     AssetCacheActivatorUtil deactivate
     AssetCacheActivatorUtil isActivated
     AssetCacheActivatorUtil canActivate
     AssetCacheActivatorUtil status


     The caching server built-in to macOS is deactivated by default.  In its
     first three forms, AssetCacheActivatorUtil activates the built-in caching
     server, deactivates it, or reports its activation status.  In its fourth
     form, AssetCacheActivatorUtil reports whether the built-in caching server
     is eligible for activation.  Installing macOS Server prevents the built-
     in caching server from activating.  In its fifth form,
     AssetCacheActivatorUtil reports the built-in caching server's status.


     AssetCache(8), AssetCacheLocatorUtil(8), AssetCacheTetheratorUtil(8)

macOS                          November 2, 2017                          macOS

Mac OS X 10.12.6 - Generated Thu Nov 2 05:56:26 CDT 2017
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