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NeST(8)                   BSD System Manager's Manual                  NeST(8)


     NeST -- Mac OS X Server NetInfo Setup Tool


     NeST command [args]


     NeST is used to configure the directory system for a server.


     NeST -createstaticip <parent IP address> <admin account name> [-withldap]
     NeST -enableldapserver
     NeST -disableldapserver
     NeST -destroyparent [<parent tag>]
     NeST -destroyorphanedparent [<parent tag>]
     NeST -setldapdhcp
     NeST -setldapstatic <IP or domain name> <port> SSL|NoSSL <search base>
     NeST -settimpasswds <admin acct ID> <passwd>
     NeST -broadcast
     NeST -dhcp
     NeST -static <server> <tag>
     NeST -allbindings <server> <tag>
     NeST -setnetinfo [broadcast] [dhcp] [static <server> <tag>]
     NeST -addchild <child host name> <child IP address>
     NeST -target <target IP address>
     NeST -getconfig
     NeST -getstyle
     NeST -getparentconfig
     NeST -getchildconfig
     NeST -authserver
     NeST -getpasswordserverstyle
     NeST -getpasswordserveraddress
     NeST -verifypasswordserveradmin <server IP> <admin name> <admin password>
     NeST -startpasswordserver
     NeST -stoppasswordserver
     NeST -NOpasswordserver
     NeST -usepasswordserver <server IP> <admin name> <admin password> <server
                   admin name> <server admin password>
     NeST -hostpasswordserver <admin name> [<admin password>] [<default server
                   IP> <IP2> <IP3> ...]
     NeST -convertuser <user name> [<directory node administrator> [<user
                   password> [<admin password>]]]
     NeST -pwsrekey [<key size in bits>]
     NeST -pwsstandalone [<admin name> <admin password>]
     NeST -setupreplica <ip address of master> <admin name> <admin password>
     NeST -stripsyncdates
     NeST -migrateip <[old IP|all]> <new IP>
     NeST -getprotocols
     NeST -setprotocols <sasl mech name> <on|off> ...
     NeST -ver


     -createstaticip       This command is deprecated. Create a new master
                           domain binding to a specific IP address. Copies the
                           root account to new master domain and also copies
                           the admin user account if provided.

     -enableldapserver     Enables the LDAP server (requires that a network
                           NetInfo domain exists).

     -disableldapserver    Disables the LDAP server, but does not remove the

     -destroyparent        Destroy the locally hosted master domain. Uses the
                           default network tag if non provided.

     -setldapdhcp          Enables binding to an LDAP server using DHCP option

     -setldapstatic        Configures to use the specified LDAP server.
                           Requires server based mappings.

     -settimpasswds        Sets the tim password for the root and admin
                           accounts In both local and master domain if it
                           exists. Note: The tim authentication server must be
                           running and initialized with the autostart option
                           for this option to succeed.

     -broadcast            Removes targeted domain information.

     -setnetinfo           Sets the NetInfo binding based on parameters passed

     -addchild             Adds a child for this server to bind to.

     -target               Targets the local domain to a specific parent.

     -getconfig            Returns uppercase for active and lowercase for
                           inactive. local,client,parent,broad-

     -getstyle             Returns whether configuration is local, child, par-
                           ent, or advanced, and whether a parent exists but
                           is not used locally.

     -getparentconfig      Returns whether there is a NetInfo parent, NetInfo
                           and LDAP, or no parent.

     -getchildconfig       Returns whether this machine is a NetInfo or LDAP
                           client, local only, or advanced.

     -authserver           Sets AUTHSERVER=-YES- in /etc/hostconfig.

                           Returns none, use, host.

                           Returns the address of the current password server

                           Returns whether the directory user is an admin, and
                           the user's ID

     -startpasswordserver  Sets configuration and launches the password server

     -stoppasswordserver   Sets configuration and terminates the password

     -NOpasswordserver     Removes the configuration record for the password
                           server from the directory.

     -usepasswordserver    Sets the password server for this machine's domain

     -hostpasswordserver   Configures this system to host a password server
                           and creates a password server administrator. Omit
                           the password parameter to get a secure prompt.

     -convertuser          Converts a regular user to a password server
                           account. The user will not be able to administrate
                           the password server. Use -hostpasswordserver to
                           migrate administrators to password server.

     -pwsrekey             Divorces the password server from a replicated sys-
                           tem and issues a new RSA key. Users in the local
                           and LDAP directories are migrated to the new key.
                           Valid key sizes are 1024, 2048, and 3072.

     -pwsstandalone        Revokes the shared key pair from a replica and
                           issues a new RSA key. Users in the local directory
                           are migrated to the new key.

     -stripsyncdates       Removes the last synchronization dates from the
                           password server's replication list, causing an
                           update of all records.

     -migrateip            Replaces configuration data in the directory with a
                           new IP address. Updates user records in the local
                           directory to use the new IP address.

     -getprotocols         Returns the list of active SASL plug-ins

     -setprotocols         Modifies the list of SASL plug-ins

     -ver                  Displays version information.





Mac OS X Server                21 February 2002                Mac OS X Server

Mac OS X 10.4 Server - Generated Thu Jun 12 20:00:22 CDT 2008
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