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caldavd(8)                BSD System Manager's Manual               caldavd(8)


     caldavd -- Darwin Calendar Server Control Interface


     caldavd [-hX] [-u username] [-g groupname] [-T twistd] [-f caldavd.plist]


     caldavd is a front end to the Darwin Calendar Server.  The Darwin Calen-
     dar Server is provides a calendaring service based on the CalDAV proto-
     col, which is in turn based on HTTP and WebDAV.

     caldavd is a simple tool for starting the server.


     -h    Displays usage information

     -X    Starts the server but does not daemonize it.

     -u username
           Drops privileges to the given username.

     -g groupname
           Drops privileges to the given groupname.

     -f caldavd.plist
           Specifies the path of the configuration file to read.

     -T twistd
           Specifies the path to the twistd binary.


           The Calendar Server configuration file.  It is an XML property list
           specifying server options such as the port to bind to, whether to
           use SSL, and the names of other files can specified.

           PEM-format server keys for use with SSL.

           The server's document root, which is the used as the backing store
           for the HTTP resources on the server.

           Directory containing server data other than HTTP resources.

           The server's access log file, in a format similar to Apache HTTPd's
           access log.

           The server's main log file.

           The server's process ID file.




     Darwin Calendar Server is intended to comply with RFC 2445 (iCalendar),
     RFC 2446 (iTIP), RFC 2447 (iMIP), RFC 2612 (HTTP), RFC 2617 (HTTP Authen-
     tication), RFC 4559 (SPNEGO), RFC 2518 (WebDAV), RFC 3744 (WebDAV ACL),
     RFC 5397 (WebDAV Current Principal Extension), RFC 4791 (CalDAV), and
     draft-desruisseaux-caldav-sched-06 (CalDAV Scheduling).


     caldavd was first introduced as part of Darwin 9 and Mac OS 10.5.

BSD                            November 6, 2008                            BSD

Mac OS X 10.6Server - Generated Thu Apr 15 07:12:58 CDT 2010
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