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man certupdate(8)
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certupdate(8)             BSD System Manager's Manual            certupdate(8)


     certupdate -- Mac OS X Server certificate administration helper tool


     certupdate remove -c cert_path [-p cert_ref]
     certupdate replace -c old_cert_path [-p old_cert_ref] -C new_cert_path
                [-P new_cert_ref]


     certupdate is a tool to notify interested services to change their con-
     figurations when certificates are removed or replaced in the
     /etc/certificates directory. Services interested in certificate changes
     register their interest by placing a helper tool into
     /usr/libexec/certupdate which returns an exit status of 0 for don't care,
     1 for don't remove, or 2 to indicate an error condition. When the System
     Keychain changes, certupdate will be called with the remove or replace
     command.  certupdate will in turn call each of the helper tools and
     return the highest numbered exit status from the helper tools.

     The certupdate tool is intended to allow the automated replacement of
     expiring certificates.

     certupdate commands

     remove   Indicates that the certificate at cert_path will be removed.

     replace  Indicates that the certificate at old_cert_path will be replaced
              with the certificate at new_cert_path

     Command arguments

     -c path  In both commands this is the path to a PEM formatted certifi-

     -p cert_ref
              Optional a keychain persistant reference to the certificate in
              question expressed as a string of hexadecimal characters with a
              leading 0x

     -C new_path
              In the path to a PEM formatted certificate that replaces the
              certificated specified by -c

     -P new_cert_ref
              Optional a keychain persistant reference to the certificate in
              question expressed as a string of hexadecimal characters with a
              leading 0x


     /usr/libexec/certupdate         Directory containing the service specific
                                     helper tools called by certupdate


     0  None of the services are interested in the certificate or the replace
     command was successful

     1  One or more helper tools requested that the certificate file not be

     2  An error occurred in one of the helper tools, should be treated as
     don't remove, above


     certupdate remove -c /etc/certificates/exam-

     remove -c /etc/certificates/exam- -p



Darwin                         September 5, 2011                        Darwin

Mac OS X 10.7 - Generated Mon Sep 5 10:08:07 CDT 2011
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