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man cf-monitord(8)
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cf-monitord(8)                                                  cf-monitord(8)


       cf-monitord - cfengine's monitoring agent


        cf-monitord [options]


       The  monitoring  agent  is  a  machine-learning,  sampling daemon which
       learns the normal state of the current host and classifies new observa-
       tions  in  terms  of the patterns formed by previous ones. The data are
       made available to and read by cf-agent for classification of  responses
       to  anomalous  states.   cfengine  is  a self-healing configuration and
       change management based system. You can think of.B cfengine as  a  very
       high  level  language,  much  higher  level than Perl or shell. Asingle
       statement is called a promise, and compliance can result in  many  hun-
       dreds  of  filesbeing  created,  or  the  permissions  of many hundreds
       offiles being set. The idea of .B cfengine is to create a one  or  more
       sets  of  configuration files which willclassify and describe the setup
       of every host in a network.


       --help, -h
              Print the help message

       --debug, -d
              Set debugging level 0,1,2,3

       --verbose, -v
              Output verbose information about the behaviour of the agent

       --dry-run, -n
              All talk and no action mode - make no changes,  only  inform  of
              promises not kept

       --version, -V
              Output the version of the software

       --no-lock, -K
              Ignore system lock

       --file, -f
              Specify an alternative input file than the default

       --inform, -I
              Print  basic  information about changes made to the system, i.e.
              promises repaired

       --diagnostic, -x
              Activate internal diagnostics (developers only)

       --no-fork, -F
              Run process in foreground, not as a daemon

       --histograms, -H
              Ignored for backward compatibility

       --tcpdump, -T
              Interface with tcpdump if available to collect data  about  net-


       Mark Burgess and CFEngine AS


       Bug    reports:,    .pp    Community   help:                Community                info:        Support        services:  This  software  is  Copyright  (C)   2008-2011
       CFEngine AS.

                             Maintenance Commands               cf-monitord(8)

cfengine 3.2.1 - Generated Fri Sep 23 16:40:27 CDT 2011
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