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man cvfsid(8)
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cvfsid(8)                                                            cvfsid(8)


       cvfsid - Display SNFS System Identifier


       /System/Library/Filesystems/acfs.fs/Contents/bin/cvfsid [-?Ghnl]


       cvfsid  provides a mechanism for displaying the SNFS identifier for the
       executing system.  For customers  using  client-based  licensing,  SNFS
       identifiers  are  used  to  generate  individual client licenses.  This
       identifier string is submitted to Apple Technical Support  for  license
       authorization  keys.   See the installation instructions for additional
       information on SNFS licensing.


       -h, -? Display help

       -G     Gather mode.  NOTE: Not intended for general use.  Only use when
              recommended by Apple Support.

       -l     List  the  local host's Authorizing IDs, IP addresses, and MACs.
              (Linux only.)

       -n     Display the network interface information in a compact,  machine
              readable form.  (Linux only.)

       When  executed  without options, cvfsid prints the information required
       to generate a license for the host on which it is executed.  Simply ex-
       ecute the program on each participating system, and either Email or Fax
       the identifiers to Apple Technical Support for authorization keys.

       After the license keys are received cut-and-paste them  into  the  file
       /Library/Preferences/Xsan/license.dat  on the system that runs the CVFS
       File System Manager.




       cvfs(8), snfs_config(5),

Xsan File System                   June 2014                         cvfsid(8)

Mac OS X 10.12.3 - Generated Thu Feb 9 18:13:31 CST 2017
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