cvgather(8) cvgather(8)
cvgather - Compile debugging information for a Xsan File System For cvgather on Windows, see "All Programs/StorNext/StorNext/Help" and click on "Gather Debugging Info (cvgather)".
cvgather -f VolName [-sukx] [-o OutputFile] [-n NumberOfCvlogs] [-U UserCore] [-K KernelCore] [-p SnfsPath]
The cvgather program is used to collect debug information from a vol- ume. This creates a tar file of the system's Xsan File System debug logs, configuration, version information and disk devices. The cvgather program will collect client debug information on client machines and server information on server machines, as well as portmap- per information from all machines. System log files as well as Xsan log files are included. At the users option, cvgather also collects core files from user space utilities, such as the fsm, and also from the op- erating system kernel, when available.
When the operator encounters an error using Xsan and wishes to send de- bugging information to Apple technical support, the cvgather utility may be run. The following command arguments and options affect the be- havior of cvgather. -f VolName Specify the name of the volume for which debugging information should be collected. Some information is universal to all in- stalled volumes, while some is unique to each file system. -k Collect the core file from the operating system kernel. This op- tion is not supported on Linux. The -k option collects the ker- nel core from the default location for the machine's operating system. To collect the kernel core from another location use -K. -K KernelCore Collect the kernel core file from any file. You must specify the full filename as well as the path. -n NumberOfCvlogs Specify the number of cvlog files to include in the tarball. If this option is not selected, 4 will be used. This is the default number of cvlogs used by the fsm. -o OutputFile Specify the name of the output file. This name is appended with the suffix '.tar'. If this option is not selected, the name of the volume will be used as a default. -p SnfsPath Specify the file path to the Xsan install directory. If this option is not selected, the path /System/Library/Filesys- tems/acfs.fs/Contents will be used as a default. -s Gather symbol information without core files. -u Collect the core file from user executables, such as the fsm. By default, if they exist, cvgather will pick up a file named "core" and the the most recently modified "core.*" file on sys- tems that support core file names with extensions. The -u op- tion collects core files from the 'debug' directory in the Xsan directory. To collect user core files from another location or core files with with non-standard names use -U. -U UserCore Collect the user core file from any file. You must specify the full filename as well as the path. -x Exclude files that are collected by pse_snapshot. Note that this option is intended to be used by pse_snapshot only and not for general use. The behavior of this option may change without warning. When cvgather is run it will create a tar file, that can be simply e- mailed to Apple technical support for evaluation. It is recommended that the tar file be compressed into a standard compression format such as compress, gzip, or bzip2.
IMPORTANT: cvgather creates a number of temporary files, thus must have write privileges for the directory in which it is run. These files, as well as the output tar file can be very large, especially when the ker- nel core file is included, thus adequate disk space must be available. Several important log files are only accessible by the root user, thus it is important that cvgather be run with root privileges to gather the entire range of useful information.
/Library/Preferences/Xsan/*.cfg /Library/Logs/Xsan/debug/cvfsd.out /Library/Logs/Xsan/debug/nssdbg.out /Library/Logs/Xsan/debug/fsmpm.out /Library/Logs/Xsan/data/<volume_name>/log/cvlog*
cvdb(8), cvversions(1), cvfsid(8) cvlabel(8) Xsan File System October 2014 cvgather(8)
Mac OS X 10.12.3 - Generated Thu Feb 9 18:16:57 CST 2017