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discoveryd(8)             BSD System Manager's Manual            discoveryd(8)


     discoveryd -- System daemon for DNS, Bonjour and other Discovery


     discoveryd [--loglevel level] [--logclass class] [--lognoclass class]
                [--udsocket standard|experimental]
                [--logto stderr|asl|aslstderr] [--xpcpid]


     The discoveryd daemon is responsible for unicast DNS resolution, multi-
     cast DNS resolution, and Service Discovery on the system.  It performs
     queries, registrations, and provides answers on behalf of other clients
     through the DNS Service Discovery API as documented in dns_sd.h.

     discoveryd works cooperatively with discoveryutil(8).  discoveryutil can
     be used to introspect and modify the state and operation of discoveryd.
     This should be done with caution, since it can dramatically affect over-
     all system stability, and expose sensitive information.

     This daemon is not generally meant to be run on the command line, and
     users should not run it manually.

     Command line flags and their descriptions:

              Set the logging level for discoveryd to one of: None, Basic,
              Intermediate, Detailed, VeryDetailed, Everything, or a number.

              Set the logging class bitmap by subsystem using one of the fol-
              lowing, which can be or-ed together: None, Tests, Events, Sock-
              ets, Bonjour, Network, D2DServer, ClientIPC, DeviceInformation,
              RemoteControl, Cache, WABServer, NATTSever, Helper, Packets,
              Power, SleepProxy, DNSProxy, BTMMServer, Symptoms, Everything,
              or 0xNNN.

              Clear the logging class bitmap by subsystem using one of the
              following, which can be or-ed together: None, Tests, Events,
              Sockets, Bonjour, Network, D2DServer, ClientIPC, DeviceInforma-
              tion, RemoteControl, Cache, WABServer, NATTSever, Helper, Pack-
              ets, Power, SleepProxy, DNSProxy, BTMMServer, Symptoms, Every-
              thing, or 0xNNN.

     --udsocket standard|experimental
              Use the "standard" or "experimental" unix domain socket for com-
              munication with the client library for the DNS Service Discovery

     --logto asl|stderr|aslstderr
              Send the discoveryd logging output to asl(3), standard error, or
              to both simultaneously.  Logging to asl will be done at various
              levels, as appropriate.

     --xpcpid, -x
              Become a debug version of discoveryd, which is available to a
              corresponding discoveryutil running with the --xpcpid option
              set.  The pid passed to discoveryutil's --xpcpid option is the
              process id of the discoveryd process to be connected to.


     /usr/libexec/discoveryd  Executable
     /usr/include/dns_sd.h    DNS Service Discovery API


     discoveryutil(8), discoveryd_helper(8), dns-sd(1), dig(1), nslookup(1),

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