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discoveryutil(8)          BSD System Manager's Manual         discoveryutil(8)


     discoveryutil -- Utility for manipulating discoveryd.


     discoveryutil [--loglevel level] [--logclass class] [--lognoclass class]
                   [--xpcpid pid] command [args ...]


     discoveryutil is a tool that is used to both introspect and change the
     state of discoveryd(8).  It must be run as root.  Many of the commands
     available to discoveryutil can disrupt or change the behavior of unicast
     or multicast DNS discovery, so caution is advised when making changes.

     discoveryutil commands

     adduds path: add another UDS by path
              Add a filesystem path for discoveryd to use as a unix domain
              socket for a client library.

     clientlisteners: print the active client listeners
              Print the list of active listeners, processes, and last com-

     configinterfaces [label]: print out the current interfaces
              Print a list of interfaces that discoveryd is aware of from con-

     configresolvers [label]: print out the current network resolvers
              Print a list of resolvers that discoveryd is aware of from con-

     dnsproxystate [label]: print out the current dnsproxy state info
              Print the state of discoveryd's DNS proxy.

     help     List the available discoveryutil commands.

     logclass [0xX|class]: get / or in a log class
              See --logclass below, but makes the change for discoveryd.

     loglevel [N|name]: get / set the log level
              See --loglevel below, but makes the change for discoveryd.

     lognoclass [0xX|class]: get / and out a log class
              See --lognoclass below, but makes the change for discoveryd.

     mdnsactivedirectory [yes|no|auto]: set/get Active Directory detection

     mdnsbrowses [label]: print out the current mdns browses

     mdnscachecontents [label]: log the current mdns cache contents
              This goes to the system log, and log class "Cache" must be set
              for it to appear.

     mdnscachestats [label]: print out the current mdns listener cache stats

     mdnsflushcache [interface]: flush cache, potentially on a specific

     mdnslisteners [label]: print out the current mdns listeners

     mdnsregistrations [label]: print out the current mdns registrations

     mdnsrestartquestions: force mdns questions to restart

     mdnsrestartregistrations: force mdns registrations to restart

     mdnssetedns0identifier [on|off]: set / get whether EDNS0 identifier
              records are sent for multicast
              This is for debugging only.

     memorypressure [yes|no]: simulate memory pressure

     nattraversals: print information about NAT Traversals

     sandboxtest file: trigger sandbox violation

     testdatatypes: test complex data type transfers

     udnscachecontents [label]: log the current udns cache contents
              This goes to the system log, and log class "Cache" must be set
              for it to appear.

     udnscachestats [label]: print out the current udns cache stats

     udnsflushcaches: flush all udns caches

     udnsforcetcp [yes|no]: force udns queries to go over TCP instead of UDP

     udnsresolvers [label]: print out the current udns resolvers

     udnsrestartquestions [force]: manually restart all udns questions

     udnsunanswered [label]: print out the current udns unanswered queries on

     Flags and their descriptions:

     --debug, -d
              Interact with discoveryd not started by launchd(8).

     --priv, -p
              Interact with discoveryd started by launchd(8).

              Set the logging level for discoveryutil, not discoveryd to one
              of: None, Basic, Intermediate, Detailed, VeryDetailed, Every-
              thing, or a number.

              Set the logging class bitmap by subsystem using one of the fol-
              lowing, which can be or-ed together: None, Tests, Events, Sock-
              ets, Bonjour, Network, D2DServer, ClientIPC, DeviceInformation,
              RemoteControl, Cache, WABServer, NATTSever, Helper, Packets,
              Power, SleepProxy, DNSProxy, BTMMServer, Symptoms, Everything,
              or 0xNNN.

              Clear the logging class bitmap by subsystem using one of the
              following, which can be or-ed together: None, Tests, Events,
              Sockets, Bonjour, Network, D2DServer, ClientIPC, DeviceInforma-
              tion, RemoteControl, Cache, WABServer, NATTSever, Helper, Pack-
              ets, Power, SleepProxy, DNSProxy, BTMMServer, Symptoms, Every-
              thing, or 0xNNN.

     --xpcpid, -x
              Connect to a debug version of discoveryd which is correspond-
              ingly running with the --xpcpid option set.  The pid is the
              process id of the discoveryd process to be connected to.
              discoveryutil on this machine.  This is so multiple instances
              can be debugged.

     --timeout, -t secs
              Set a timeout when communicating with discoveryd, in case there
              is a problem.  For use with scripts.


     /usr/sbin/discoveryutil  Executable


     discoveryd(8), dns-sd(1), dig(1), nslookup(1)

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