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etterfilter(8)                                                  etterfilter(8)


       etterfilter - Filter compiler for ettercap content filtering engine


       etterfilter [OPTIONS] FILE


       The  etterfilter  utility  is  used to compile source filter files into
       binary filter files that can be interpreted by the JIT  interpreter  in
       the  ettercap(8) filter engine. You have to compile your filter scripts
       in order to use them in  ettercap.  All  syntax/parse  errors  will  be
       checked  at  compile  time,  so  you  will be sure to produce a correct
       binary filter for ettercap.


       -o, --output <FILE>
              you can specify the output file for a  source  filter  file.  By
              default the output is filter.ef.

       -t, --test <FILE>
              you  can analyze a compiled filter file with this option. etter-
              filter will print in a human readable form all the  instructions
              contained  in it. It is a sort of "disassembler" for binary fil-
              ter files.

       -d, --debug
              prints some debug messages during the compilation. Use  it  more
              than  once to increase the debug level ( etterfilter -ddd ... ).

       -w, --suppress-warnings
              Don't exit on warnings. With this option the compiler will  com-
              pile the script even if it contains warnings.


       -v, --version
              Print the version and exit.

       -h, --help
              prints  the  help  screen  with a short summary of the available

              A script is a compound of instructions. It is  executed  sequen-
              tially  and you can make branches with the 'if' statements. 'if'
              and 'if/else' statements are the only supported.  No  loops  are
              implemented.  The  syntax  is almost like C code except that you
              have to put 'if' blocks into graph parentheses '{' '}', even  if
              they contain only one instruction.

              NOTE:  you have to put a space between the 'if' and the '('. You
              must not put the space between the function name and the '('.

              if (conditions) { }

              The conditions for an 'if' statement can be either functions  or
              comparisons.  Two or more conditions can be linked together with
              logical operators like OR '||' and AND '&&'.

              if (tcp.src == 21 && search(, "ettercap")) {

              Pay attention to the operator precedence.  You cannot use paren-
              theses to group conditions, so be careful with the order. An AND
              at the beginning of a conditions  block  will  exclude  all  the
              other tests if it is evaluated as false. The parsing is left-to-
              right, when an operator is found: if it is an AND and the previ-
              ous condition is false, all the statement is evaluated as false;
              if it is an OR the parsing goes on  even  if  the  condition  is

              if (ip.proto == UDP || ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {

              if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80 || ip.proto == UDP) {

              the  former  condition  will  match all udp or http traffic. The
              latter is wrong, because if the packet is  not  tcp,  the  whole
              condition block will be evaluated as false.  If you want to make
              complex conditions, the best way is to split  them  into  nested
              'if' blocks.

              Since  etterfilter  support both IP address families, you should
              care whether you use 'ip.proto' which is specific for  the  IPv4
              address family or it's IPv6 couterpart 'ipv6.nh'. Especially for
              the L4 protocol matching using 'ip.proto' and/or 'ipv6.nh',  you
              should be careful if you're really acting on the right protocol.
              This  should  be  enforced  using  the  L3  protocol  identifier

              if  (eth.proto  ==  IP  &&  ip.proto  == TCP && tcp.dst == 80 ||
              tcp.src == 80) {

              if (eth.proto == IP6 && ipv6.nh ==  TCP  &&  tcp.dst  ==  80  ||
              tcp.src == 80) {

              if (tcp.dst == 80 || tcp.src == 80) {

              The  first  example  correctly matches http traffic only on IPv4
              while the second would match http  traffic  only  on  IPv6.  The
              thrid example matches http regardless it's IP address familiy.

              Every instruction in a block must end with a semicolon ';'.

              Comparisons  are  implemented  with the '==' operator and can be
              used to compare numbers, strings or ip addresses. An ip  address
              MUST  be enclosed within two single quotes (eg. '' or
              '2001:db8::2'). You can also use the 'less than' ('<'), 'greater
              than'  ('>'),  'less  or  equal'  ('<=')  and 'greater or equal'
              ('>=') operators. The lvalue of a comparison must be  an  offset
              (see later)

              if ( + 20 == "ettercap" && ip.ttl > 16) {

              Assignments are implemented with the '=' operator and the lvalue
              can be an offset (see later). The rvalue can  be  a  string,  an
              integer or a hexadecimal value.

              ip.ttl = 0xff;
     + 7 = "ettercap NG";

              You  can  also  use the 'inc' and 'dec' operations on the packet
              fields. The operators used are '+=' and '-='. The rvalue can  be
              an integer or a hexadecimal value.

              ip.ttl += 5;

              More examples can be found in the etter.filter.examples file.

              An offset is identified by a virtual pointer. In short words, an
              offset is a pointer to the packet buffer. The virtual pointer is
              a tuple <L, O, S>, where L is the iso/osi level, O is the offset
              in that level and S is the size of the virtual pointer.  You can
              make algebraic operations on a virtual pointer and the result is
              still an offset. Specifying 'vp + n' will result in a  new  vir-
              tual  pointer <L, O+n, S>.  And this is perfectly legal, we have
              changed the internal offset of that level.

              Virtual pointers are  in  the  form  'name.field.subfield'.  For
              example  'ip.ttl'  is  the  virtual pointer for the Time To Live
              field in the IP header of a packet. It  will  be  translated  as
              <L=3,  O=9,  S=1>.  Indeed it is the 9th byte of level 3 and its
              size is 1 byte. 'ip.ttl + 1' is the same as 'ip.proto' since the
              10th  byte  of the IP header is the protocol encapsulated in the
              IP packet.  Note that since etterfilter also supports processing
              of IPv6, the above mentioned only applies for IPv4 packets while
              counterpart in IPv6 would be 'ipv6.nh'.

              The list of all supported virtual pointers is in the file etter-
              filter.tbl.  You  can  add your own virtual pointers by adding a
              new table or modifying the existing ones. Refer to the  comments
              at  the  beginning of the file for the syntax of etterfilter.tbl


       search(where, what)
              this function searches the string 'what' in the buffer  'where'.
              The  buffer  can be either or The former
              is the payload at layer DATA (ontop TCP or UDP) as it is  trans-
              mitted  on the wire, the latter is the payload decoded/decrypted
              by dissectors.
              So, if you want to search in an SSH connection, it is better  to
              use '' since 'data' will be encrypted.
              The string 'what' can be binary. You have to escape it.

              search(, "\x41\x42\x43")

       regex(where, regex)
              this  function  will  return true if the 'regex' has matched the
              buffer 'where'.  The  considerations  about  ''  and
              '' mentioned for the function 'search' are the same for
              the regex function.

              NOTE: regex can be used only against a string buffer.

              regex(, ".*login.*")

       pcre_regex(where, pcre_regex ... )
              this function will evaluate a perl  compatible  regular  expres-
              sion.  You  can match against both DATA and DECODED, but if your
              expression modifies the buffer, it makes sense to  operate  only
              on DATA. The function accepts 2 or 3 parameters depending on the
              operation you want. The two parameter form is used only to match
              a  pattern. The three parameter form means that you want to make
              a substitution. In both  cases,  the  second  parameter  is  the
              search string.
              You can use $n in the replacement string. These placeholders are
              referred to the groups  created  in  the  search  string.  (e.g.
              pcre_regex(,    "^var1=([:digit:]*)&var2=([:digit:]*)",
              "var1=$2&var2=$1") will swap the value of var1 and var2).
              NOTE: The pcre support is  optional  in  ettercap  and  will  be
              enabled  only  if  you have the libpcre installed.  The compiler
              will warn you if you try to compile a filter that contains  pcre
              expressions  but  you  don't  have libpcre. Use the -w option to
              suppress the warning.

              pcre_regex(, ".*foo$")
              pcre_regex(, "([^ ]*) bar ([^ ]*)", "foo $1 $2")

       replace(what, with)
              this function replaces the string 'what' with the string 'with'.
              They  can  be binary string and must be escaped. The replacement
              is always performed in since is the only payload which
              gets  forwarded.  The  '' buffer is used only inter-
              nally and never reaches the wire.

              replace("ethercap", "ettercap")

              this function injects the content of the file 'what'  after  the
              packet  being processed. It always injects in You can
              use it to replace the entire packet with a fake  one  using  the
              drop() function right before the inject() command.  In that case
              the filtering engine will drop the current packet and inject the
              fake one.


       log(what, where)
              this  function  dumps  in the file 'where' the buffer 'what'. No
              information is stored about the  packet,  only  the  payload  is
              dumped.  So  you will see the stream in the file. If you want to
              log packets in a more enhanced mode, you need to use the  etter-
              cap -L option and analyze it with etterlog(8).
              The  file  'where'  must  be  writable  to  the user EC_UID (see

              log(, "/tmp/interesting.log")

              this function displays a message to the user in  the  User  Mes-
              sages  window.  It is useful to let the user know whether a par-
              ticular filter has been successful or not.

              msg("Packet filtered successfully")

       drop() this function marks the packet "to be dropped". The packet  will
              not be forwarded to the real destination.


       kill() this function kills the connection that owns the matched packet.
              If it is a TCP connection, a RST is sent to both  sides  of  the
              connection. If it is an UDP connection, an ICMP PORT UNREACHABLE
              is sent to the source of the packet.


              this function executes a shell command. You have to provide  the
              full  path to the command since it is executed without any envi-
              ronment. There is no way to determine if the  command  was  suc-
              cessful or not. Furthermore, it is executed asynchronously since
              it is forked by the main process.

              exec("/bin/cat /tmp/foo >> /tmp/bar")

              this function operates similar to  the  inject  function  except
              that it uses the output of a shell command to inject data rather
              than the contents of a file.  It always  injects  in
              You  can  use  it  to  replace the entire packet with a fake one
              using the drop() function right before the execinject() command.
              In  that  case the filtering engine will drop the current packet
              and inject the fake one.

              execinject("/bin/cat /tmp/foo")

              this function operates similar to the  replace  function  except
              that  it  uses  the  output of a shell command to replace entire
              data rather than the contents of a file.  An  other  difference,
              is  that  orinal  packet content is pass to the shell command in
              stdin.  It always injects  in  You  can  use  it  to
              replace the entire packet with a fake one depending on the orig-
              inal one.

              execreplace("tr A-Z a-z")

       exit() this function causes the filter engine  to  stop  executing  the
              code.  It  is useful to stop the execution of the script on some
              circumstance checked by an 'if' statement.



       Here are some examples of using etterfilter.

       etterfilter filter.ecf -o filter.ef

              Compiles the source filter.ecf into a binary filter.ef


       Alberto Ornaghi (ALoR) <>
       Marco Valleri (NaGA) <>


       Emilio Escobar (exfil)  <>
       Eric Milam (Brav0Hax)  <>


       Mike Ryan (justfalter)  <>
       Gianfranco Costamagna (LocutusOfBorg)  <>
       Antonio Collarino (sniper)  <>
       Ryan Linn   <>
       Jacob Baines   <>


       Dhiru Kholia (kholia)  <>
       Alexander Koeppe (koeppea)  <>
       Martin Bos (PureHate)  <>
       Enrique Sanchez
       Gisle Vanem  <>
       Johannes Bauer  <>
       Daten (Bryan Schneiders)  <>


       ettercap(8), etterlog(8), etter.conf(5), ettercap_curses(8),
       ettercap_plugins(8), ettercap-pkexec(8)

ettercap                                                etterfilter(8)

ettercap - Generated Thu Aug 6 14:49:12 CDT 2020
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