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man fsmpm(8)
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fsmpm(8)                                                              fsmpm(8)


       fsmpm - Xsan File System Port Mapper daemon


       fsmpm [host-ip [debug [sync [diskscan [extHA]]]]]


       The FSM Portmapper is a server daemon residing on each Xsan File System
       client and server. It registers  an  RPC  identifier  to  the  system's
       portmap  daemon.  The  fsmpm publishes a well known port where the Xsan
       File System Manager (FSM) daemons can register their  volume  name  and
       port  access number. All clients then talk to their local FSS port map-
       per to discover access information for their associated service.   This
       process  runs  in  the  background  and  is started at boot time. It is
       enabled or disabled (along with the volume) via chkconfig(1M) or init.d
       using the acfs key word.


       Apple  Internal  Use  Only - contact support before adding or modifying
       command line arguments to fsmpm.  Changes from the defaults may  result
       in  intermittent or total failure of Xsan.  Options may change abruptly
       between releases.

              The IP address used to access this host.  The default is to  try
              to resolve the system's hostname to an address. If set to 127.1,
              no nameserver will be used  and  no  heartbeats  will  be  sent.
              (default: no hostname)

       debug  Bitmask specifying which debug messages to print. (default: 0)

       sync   The  name  of  a  file whose creation is used to detect when the
              fsmpm has successfully started.  (default: no file)

              How often (in seconds) to rescan for changed paths.  0  disables
              the disk scan.  (default: 0)

       extHA  External  HA mode prevents the fsmpm from automatically starting
              FSMs in the fsmlist, as well as disabling calls  for  elections.
              1 enables external HA mode; 0 disables it.  (default: 0)

       NOTE: Defaults specified with '--'.


       The  fsmpm  reads  the  file /Library/Preferences/Xsan/fsnameservers to
       establish file system name servers for the Xsan file  system  services.
       This  list  is  used  to coordinate the whereabouts of Xsan file system

       A name server list must be established on each  client  that  has  Xsan
       installed so that all clients can discover the location of the Xsan FSM
       servers. It is important that this list is consistent across  the  SAN.
       Inconsistent  fsnameservers  configuration  may result in the inability
       for some clients to find a file system  service.  See  fsnameservers(4)
       for specifics of the file format.


       The   fsmpm   is  responsible  for  launching  the  FSM  daemon(s).  If
       /Library/Preferences/Xsan/fsmlist exists then the fsmpm reads from  the
       list  file  and  starts  the  FSM  daemons  that  are  specified. If no
       /Library/Preferences/Xsan/fsmlist file exists then the fsmpm  tries  to
       launch  the FSM daemon for the volume named default. See fsmlist(4) for
       specifics of the file format.


       These variables are for use by Apple support personnel only.

          Controls the number of old nssdbg.out log files that will  be  saved
          by  fsmpm  when  the current log file reaches its maximum size.  The
          default is 4.

          Controls the maximum size that  the  nssdbg.out  file  can  grow  to
          before  a  new log file will be started.  The value is a number fol-
          lowed by an optional suffix (K for Kilobytes, M for Megabytes, G for
          Gigabytes),  or  the  string unlimited, indicating that the file can
          grow without bound.  The default is 1M and the minimum is 64K.




       fsm(8), fsnameservers(4), fsmlist(4), portmap(8), rpcinfo(1M)

Xsan File System                 December 2007                        fsmpm(8)

Mac OS X 10.9.1 - Generated Sun Jan 12 10:17:23 CST 2014
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