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kextfind(8)               BSD System Manager's Manual              kextfind(8)


     kextfind -- find kernel extensions (kexts) based on a variety of criteria
     and print information


     kextfind [options] [--] [kext_or_directory ...] [query]
              [-report [-no-header] report_predicate ...]


     The kextfind utility locates and prints information, or generates
     reports, about kernel extensions (kexts) matching the search criteria in
     query from among those in the named directory and extension arguments.
     If no directories or extensions are specified, kextfind searches /Sys-
     tem/Library/Extensions and /Library/Extensions.  Searches are performed
     via kext management logic as used by kextload(8) and kextd(8), by which
     only kexts directly in the repository directory or kexts explicitly named
     (and their immediate plugins) are eligible; this is specifically not an
     exhaustive, recursive filesystem search.

     Construct your search using any of the query and command predicates
     listed below.  You can combine predicates with the logical operators
     -and, -or, and -not, and group them with parentheses.

     Query command predicates generally print some bit of information about a
     kext, such as its pathname or bundle identifier, followed by either a
     newline or an ASCII NUL.  You can also generate a tab-delimited report
     using the -report keyword after the query expression; if you do, you must
     not specify any of the command predicates described below.

     If no command predicate or report is specified, kextfind implicitly exe-
     cutes a -print command predicate for each kext matching the query.


     -h, -help
             Print a help message describing each option flag and exit with a
             success result, regardless of any other options on the command
     -set-arch arch
             Set the architecture used for such things as architecture-spe-
             cific properties to arch.  You can only perform a query with one
             such architecture; searches for multiple executable architectures
             are possible, for example, but you can't search for two architec-
             ture-specific values of a single property.
     -i, -case-insensitive
             Perform case-insensitive comparisons for all property, match
             property, and bundle identifier query predicates when values are
             strings.  Has no effect when property values are numbers or
             booleans.  You can also use this option with individual property
             query predicates.
     -s, -substring
             Perform substring searches for all property, match property, and
             bundle identifier query predicates when values are strings.  Has
             no effect when property values are numbers or booleans.  You can
             also use this option with individual property query predicates.
             Print no paths for kexts, just their bundle names, and for info
             dictionary and executable files, their paths relative to the kext
             itself.  This can be ambiguous with plugins of the same name and
             when searching multiple repositories.
             Print pathnames relative to kexts' repositories (which can be
             ambiguous if multiple repositories are being searched).
     -0, -nul
             Make the -echo and all -print... command predicates except for
             -print-diagnostics emit an ASCII NUL character (character code 0)
             in place of any newlines.  This is useful when sending the output
             to xargs(1).  You can also use this flag individually with those
             command predicates.
     -f kext_or_directory, -search-item kext_or_directory
             Specifies a kext or directory of kexts to search.  May be speci-
             fied multiple times.  While you can normally just list them with-
             out an option flag, these are provided to prevent ambiguity with
             the query expression.
     -e, -system-extensions
             Adds /System/Library/Extensions and /Library/Extensions to the
             list of directories to search.  If you don't specify any directo-
             ries or kexts, this is used by default.
     --      End of options.


     Descriptions of all available search criteria and commands follow,
     grouped by general category.

Search by Bundle Name, or Info Dictionary or Match (Personality) Properties

     Most of these predicates take the -case-insensitive (-i) and -substring
     (-s) options as described above.

     -b [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] identifier
     -bundle-id [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] identifier
             True if the kext's bundle identifier matches identifier.  This is
             equivalent to -property CFBundleIdentifier identifier.
             True if any other kext has the same bundle identifier as the cur-
             rent kext.
     -B [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name
     -bundle-name [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name
             True if the kext's bundle name matches name.
     -m [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name value
     -match-property [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name value
             True if the kext has at least one personality that contains value
             as a string, number, or boolean value (expressible as ``true'',
             ``yes'', ``1'' or ``false'', ``no'', ``0'') for the named prop-
     -me name
     -match-property-exists name
             True if the kext has at least one personality containing any
             value for the named property.
     -p [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name value
     -property [-i|-case-insensitive] [-s|-substring] name value
             True if the kext's info dictionary contains value as a string,
             number, or boolean value (expressible as ``true'', ``yes'', ``1''
             or ``false'', ``no'', ``0'') for the named property.
     -pe name
     -property-exists name
             True if the kext's info dictionary contains any value for the
             named property.

Search by Loaded/Loadable

     -a, -authentic
             True if the kext is owned by root:wheel and has proper permis-
     -d, -dependencies-met
             True if the kext has all its dependencies met.
     -nd, -dependencies-missing
             True if the kext is missing dependencies (or can't have its
             dependencies resolved).
     -na, -inauthentic
             True if the kext is not owned by root:wheel or has improper per-
             missions (or can't be so authenticated).
     -nv, -invalid
             True if the kext is not valid.
     -l, -loadable
             True if the kext appears to be loadable.  (It may still fail to
             load due to link errors.)
             True if the kext is currently loaded (if its bundle identifier,
             version, and executable UUID match a kext loaded in the kernel).
     -nl, -nonloadable
             True if the kext can't be loaded because it is invalid, inauthen-
             tic, or missing dependencies.
     -v, -valid
             True if the kext is valid.
     -w, -warnings
             True if any warnings are noted while validating the kext.

Search by Executable, Architecture, or Symbol

     -arch arch1[,arch2...]
             True if the kext contains all of the named CPU architectures
             (separated by commas only with no spaces), and possibly others,
             in its executable.
     -ax arch1[,arch2...], -arch-exact arch1[,arch2...]
             True if the kext contains all of the named CPU architectures
             (separated by commas only with no spaces), and no others, in its
     -dsym symbol, -defines-symbol symbol
             True if the kext defines the named symbol in any of its architec-
             tures.  The name must match exactly with the (possibly mangled)
             symbol in the kext's executable.  Such names typically begin with
             at lease one underscore; see nm(1).  A kext must also be a
             library for others to link against it (see -library).
     -x, -executable
             True if the kext declares an executable via the CFBundleExe-
             cutable property (whether it actually has one or not; that is, if
             the kext declares one but it's missing, this predicate is true
             even though the kext is invalid).
     -nx, -no-executable
             True if the kext does not declare an executable via the CFBundle-
             Executable property.
     -rsym symbol, -references-symbol symbol
             True if the kext has an undefined reference to the named symbol
             in any of its architectures.  The name must match exactly with
             the (possibly mangled) symbol in the kext's executable.  Such
             names typically begin with at lease one underscore; see nm(1).

Search by Miscellaneous Attribute

     -debug  True if the kext has a top-level OSBundleEnableKextLogging prop-
             erty set to true, or if any of its personalities has an IOKitDe-
             bug property other than zero.  (Note: As of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow
             Leopard), the property OSBundleDebugLevel is no longer used.)
             True if the kext contains plugins.
     -integrity { correct|modified|no-receipt|not-apple|unknown }
             OBSOLETE. As of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), kext integrity is
             not used and this predicate always evaluates to false.
             True if the kext represents a resource built into the kernel.
     -lib, -library
             True if the kext is a library that other kexts can link against.
             True if the kext is a plugin of another kext.

Search by Startup Requirement

     These options find kexts that are used at startup or allowed to load dur-
     ing safe boot.  They should be combined with the -or operator.  (The
     standard system mkext file contains console, local-root, and root kexts,
     so you would specify ``\( -console -or -local-root -or -root \)''.

     -C, -console
             True if the kext is potentially required for console-mode startup
             (same as -p OSBundleRequired Console but always case-sensitive).
     -L, -local-root
             True if the kext is potentially required for local-root startup
             (same as -p OSBundleRequired Local-Root but always case-sensi-
     -N, -network-root
             True if the kext is potentially required for network-root startup
             (same as -p OSBundleRequired Network-Root but always case-sensi-
     -R, -root
             True if the kext is potentially required for root startup (same
             as -p OSBundleRequired Root but always case-sensitive).
     -S, -safe-boot
             True if the kext is potentially allowed to load during safe boot
             (same as -p OSBundleRequired 'Safe Boot' but always case-sensi-

Search by Version

     -compatible-with-version version
             True if the kext is a library kext compatible with the given ver-
     -V [ne|gt|ge|lt|le]version[-version]
     -version [ne|gt|ge|lt|le]version[-version]
             True if the kext's version matches the version expression.  You
             can either specify an operator before a single version, or a
             range of versions.  Remember that nonfinal versions such as
             1.0d21 compare as less than final versions (in this case 1.0);
             construct your version expression accordingly.  See also


     These predicates print information about kexts that match the query, or
     run a utility on the kext bundle directory, its info dictionary file, or
     its executable.  Execpt for -exec, these all have a true result for pur-
     poses of query evaluation.

     The -echo and all -print... command predicates except for
     -print-diagnostics accept a -nul (-0) option to emit an ASCII NUL charac-
     ter (character code 0) in place of any newlines.  This is useful when
     sending the output to xargs(1).

     -echo [-n|-no-newline] [-0|-nul] string
             Prints string followed by a newline.  You can specify -n or
             -no-newline to omit the newline.  If you specify both -n and
             -nul, string is not followed by either a newline or an ASCII NUL
     -exec utility [argument ...] ;
             True if the program named utility returns a zero value as its
             exit status.  Optional arguments may be passed to the utility.
             The expression must be terminated by a semicolon (``;'').  If you
             invoke kextfind from a shell you may need to quote the semicolon
             if the shell would otherwise treat it as a control operator.  The
             strings ``{}'', ``{info-dictionary}'', and ``{executable}'',
             appearing anywhere in the utility name or the arguments are
             replaced by the pathname of the current kext, its info dictio-
             nary, or its executable, respectively.  utility will be executed
             from the directory from which kextfind was executed.  utility and
             arguments are not subject to the further expansion of shell pat-
             terns and constructs.
     -print [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathname of the kext.  If no command predicate is
             specified, the query as a whole becomes equivalent to ( query )
             -and -print.
             Equivalent to -print -nul, for all you find(1) users out there.
     -pa [-0|-nul]
     -print-arches [-0|-nul]
             Prints the names of all the architectures in the kext executable
             (if it has one), separated by commas.
     -print-dependencies [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathnames of all direct and indirect dependencies of
             the kext.
     -print-dependents [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathnames of all direct and indirect dependents of the
             Prints validation and authentication failures, missing dependen-
             cies, and warnings for the kext.
     -px [-0|-nul]
     -print-executable [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathname to the kext's executable file.
     -pid [-0|-nul]
     -print-info-dictionary [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathname to the kext's info dictionary file.  (You can
             use ``-exec cat {info-dictionary} \;'' or ``-exec pl -input
             {info-dictionary} \;'' to print the contents of the file.)
     -print-integrity [-0|-nul]
             OBSOLETE. As of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), kext integrity is
             not used and this command prints ``n/a'' for ``not applicable''.
     -print-plugins [-0|-nul]
             Prints the pathnames of all plugins of the kext.
     -pm [-0|-nul] name
     -print-match-property [-0|-nul] name
             For each matching personality in the kext, if the named property
             exists, prints the personality's name, a colon, then name fol-
             lowed by an equals sign and the property's value.  Results in
             true even if the property does not exist for any personality.
     -pp [-0|-nul] name
     -print-property [-0|-nul] name
             If the top-level property exists, prints name followed by an
             equals sign and its value.  Results in true even if the property
             does not exist.


     The query primaries may be combined using the following operators.  The
     operators are listed in order of decreasing precedence.

     ( expression )
             This evaluates to true if the parenthesized expression evaluates
             to true.  Note that in many shells parentheses are special char-
             acters and must be escaped or quoted.
     ! expression
     -not expression
             This is the unary NOT operator.  It evaluates to true if
             expression is false, to false if expression is true.  Note that
             in many shells ``!'' is a special character and must be escaped
             or quoted.
     expression -and expression
     expression expression
             The and operator is the logical AND operator.  It is implied by
             the juxtaposition of two expressions and therefore need not be
             specified.  It evaluates to true if both expressions are true.
             If the first expression is false, the second expression is not
     expression -or expression
             The -or operator is the logical OR operator.  It evaluates to
             true if either expression is true.  If the first expression is
             true, the second expression is not evaluated.


     Use the following predicates in a report expression to generate a tab-
     delimited format, one kext per line, suitable for further processing (or
     immediate edification).  The report normally starts with a header line
     labeling each column; you can skip this by following -report directly
     with -no-header.

     The report predicate keywords are almost all the same as query predi-
     cates, but have different purposes (and arguments in several cases).  In
     general, where a query predicate is looking for a value, a report predi-
     cate is retrieving it.  Thus, the property predicates only take the name
     of the property, and print the value of that property for the kext being
     examined.  Report predicates based on attributes with multiple values,
     such as -print-dependencies, print the number of values rather than the
     values themselves.  Finally, report predicates for yes/no questions print
     ``yes'' or ``no''.

     Note that many shorthands for inverted meanings, such as -invalid, are
     not available for reports (they would only be confusing).  Others, such
     as -match-property, could generate multiple values that would be impossi-
     ble to embed meaningfully in plain tab-delimited text (and knowing how
     many of them there are is not useful).

Value Report Predicates

     -b, -bundle-id
             Prints the kext's bundle identifier.
     -B, -bundle-name
             Prints the kext's bundle name.
     -integrity, -print-integrity
             OBSOLETE. As of Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), kext integrity is
             not used and this command prints ``n/a'' for ``not applicable''.
     -V, -version
             Prints the kext's version.
     -print  Prints the kext's pathname.
     -pa, -print-arches
             Prints the names of the architectures, if any, in the kext exe-
             Prints the number of dependencies found for the kext.
             Prints the number of kexts found that depend on the kext.
     -px, -print-executable
             Prints the pathname of the kext's executable (if it has one).
     -pid, -print-info-dictionary
             Prints the pathname of the kext's info dictionary.
             Prints the number of plugin kexts the kext has.
     -p name, -property name
     -pp name, -print-property name
             Prints the value for the top-level info dictionary property with
             key name.  If the key is not defined, prints ``<null>''.
     -sym symbol, -symbol symbol
             Prints ``references'' or ``defines'' if the kext references or
             defines symbol.  (This is the only report predicate that is not
             also a query predicate.)

Yes/No Report Predicates

     -arch arch1[,arch2...]
             ``yes'' if the kexts contains all the named architectures (and
             possibly others), ``no'' otherwise.
     -ax arch1[,arch2...], -arch-exact arch1[,arch2...]
             ``yes'' if the kexts contains exactly the named architectures
             (and no others), ``no'' otherwise.
     -a, -authentic
     -d, -dependencies-met
     -dup, -duplicate-identifier
     -x, -executable
     -lib, -library
     -l, -loadable
     -w, -warnings
     -v, -valid


     The following examples are shown as given to the shell:

     kextfind -case-insensitive -not -bundle-id -substring '' -print
             Print a list of all non-Apple kexts.

     kextfind \( -nonloadable -or -warnings \) -print -print-diagnostics
             Print a list of all kexts that aren't loadable or that have any
             warnings, along with what's wrong with each.

     kextfind -nonloadable -print-dependents | sort | uniq
             Print a list of all kexts that can't be loaded because of prob-
             lems with their dependencies.

     kextfind -defines-symbol __ZTV14IONetworkStack
             Print a list of all kexts that define the symbol __ZTV14IONet-

     kextfind -relative-paths -arch-exact ppc,i386
             Print a list of all kexts kexts that contain only ppc and i386

     kextfind -debug -print -pp OSBundleDebugLevel -pm IOKitDebug
             Print a list of all kexts that have debug options set, along with
             the values of the debug options.

     kextfind -m IOProviderClass IOMedia -print -exec pl -input {info-
             dictionary} ;
             Print a list of all kexts that match on IOMedia, along with their
             info dictionaries.

     kextfind -no-paths -nl -report -print -v -a -d
             Print a report of kexts that can't be loaded, with hints as to
             the problems.


     The kextfind utility exits with a status of 0 on completion (whether or
     not any kexts are found), or with a nonzero status if an error occurs.


     find(1), kextcache(8), kextd(8), kextload(8), kextstat(8), kextunload(8),


     Many single-letter options are inconsistent in meaning with (or directly
     contradictory to) the same letter options in other kext tools.

     Several special characters used by kextfind are also special characters
     to many shell programs.  In particular, the characters ``!'', ``('', and
     ``)'', may have to be escaped from the shell.

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Mac OS X 10.9 - Generated Thu Oct 17 20:09:12 CDT 2013
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