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man serveradmin(8)
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serveradmin(8)            BSD System Manager's Manual           serveradmin(8)


     serveradmin -- command-line interface to Mac OS X Server administrative


     serveradmin [-d | -x] command [command_args]

     serveradmin [-h | -v]


     serveradmin is a utility for administering services.  In general, it
     gives you access to the same functionality present in the Server Admin
     application. It must be run by root.


     The following options are available:
     --debug    Print command to the terminal.

     --help     Print usage summary and exit.

     --version  Print build version and exit.

     --xml      Generate output as XML instead of key-value pairs.


     Except when requesting information with serveradmin -h or serveradmin -v,
     you must specify a command to select a specific function to perform. Each
     command accepts its own arguments.


     Here are brief descriptions of all the serveradmin commands:

     list    Returns a list of all available services.

     start service
             Starts the specified service.

     stop service
             Stops the specified service.

     status service
             Returns whether or not the service is running.

     fullstatus service
             Returns service specific status information. This generally cor-
             responds to the information shown in the status panel of the
             Server Admin application.

     settings command_args
             This command is used to read and write settings information. It
             can take arguments from the command line or standard input.  set
             can be used instead of settings.

     command command_args
             Allows service specific commands to be performed.  com can be
             used instead of command.


     Input and output is done using key value pairs.  Keys are specified using
     colon separated strings, with the first element being the service name
     (eg. afp:idleDisconnectFlag:adminUsers).  Values have types.  If the
     value is in quotes, it is always considered to be a string.  Otherwise
     numbers (5, 10, 8.2) and booleans (yes or no) are converted to the appro-
     priate type.  Assignments are always of the form key = value (eg.
     afp:guestAccess = yes).

     If only one key needs to be specified (or set), it can be placed on the
     command line after the command (eg. serveradmin set afp:guestAccess =
     yes).  However, in some case when doing settings or command, multiple
     key/value pairs need to be specified.  In this case, leaving them out of
     the argument list (eg.  serveradmin settings) will cause the program to
     read either keys or key/value pairs from the standard input until an end
     of file (EOF) is reached.  The keys or key/value pairs must be one per

     For settings, if no values are specified for the keys, the key value will
     be read and printed.  Otherwise if there is a key/value pair of the form
     key = value, the value will be set and then echoed back to the output.
     In general, the best approach is to fetch the settings for an individual
     service (eg.  serveradmin settings afp > dumpfile and then using the out-
     put as a template for changing settings.  Any output when fetching set-
     tings can be fed in to set values.

     When setting array values, special notation is needed.  There are two
     types of arrays.  Some arrays have special id keys that allow you to
     access individual array elements.  These are accessed using the special
     key _array_id followed by the value of the id tag (eg. web:Mod-
     ules:_array_id:dav_module).  To add a new element to such an array, you
     need to have a special line with a "create" value. For example, to add a
     new web site to the web configuration, you would need:

             web:Sites:_array_id:MySite = create
             web:Sites:_array_id:MySite:enabled = yes

     To delete an element of an array, use the "delete" value (eg.
     web:Sites:_array_id:MySite = delete).

     For command, you always need to specify the command type (eg. afp:command
     = getConnectedUsers).  Commands are highly specific to the individual
     services.  See the examples sections for some possible commands.


     serveradmin settings all > outfile
             Stores settings from all services into a file.

     serveradmin settings < outfile
             Will take any settings file and set the values.

     serveradmin settings afp:guestAccess = yes
             Turns on guest access for the afp server.

     serveradmin start web
             Starts the web server.

     serveradmin command afp:command = getConnectedUsers
             Returns a list of connected afp users.

     serveradmin command < commandFile
             Will execute a command specified in commandFile. Some examples of
             commands are:

                 afp:command = disconnectUsers
                 afp:message = "You are doomed"
                 afp:minutes = 5
                 afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_id:0 = 4

                 afp:command = sendMessage
                 afp:message = "You are doomed"
                 afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_id:0 = 4

                 info:command = getHardwareInfo
                 info:variant = withQuotaUsage

                 mail:command = getConnectedUsers

                 mail:command = getUserAccounts

                 web:command = getSites





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