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sharing(8)                BSD System Manager's Manual               sharing(8)


     sharing -- create share points for afp and smb services.


     sharing [-a <path> [options]] [-e <share point name> [options]]
             [-r <share point name>] [-l]


     A list of flags and their descriptions:

     -a <path>
              Add a new share point for the directory specified by <path>.

     -e <share point name>
              Edit the share point record specified by <share point name>.

     -r <share point name>
              Delete the share point record specified by <share point name>.

     -l       List all existing share point records.

     The following options modify share point record attributes:

     -A <afp name>
              Use customized name <afp name> when using share point with afp.

     -S <smb name>
              Use customized name <smb name> when using share points with smb.

     -s <flags>
              Use this option to enable and disable sharing via afp and smb.
              By default a share point is enabled for afp and smb protocols.
              To enable and disable particular services, combine (binary AND)
              the following flags as required: 100 (enable sharing for afp)
              and 001 (enable sharing for smb).  Specify 000 to turn off shar-
              ing of a share point altogether.

     -g <guest flag>
              Use this option to enable and disable guest access for afp and
              smb.  By default guest access is enabled for afp and smb.  To
              enable and disable guest access to particular services, combine
              (binary AND) the following flags as required: 100 (enable guest
              for afp) and 001 (enable guest for smb).  Specify 000 to turn
              off guest access for a share point altogether.

     -i <inherit privileges flag>
              Use this option to enable and disable the "inherit privileges"
              attribute for afp.  By default "inherit privileges" is enabled
              for afp.  To enable "inherit privileges", combine (binary AND)
              the following flags as required: 10 ("inherit privileges" for
              afp).  Specify 00 to turn off "inherit privileges" for a share
              point altogether.

     -n <customized record name>
              Specify a <customized record name> to be used as the share point
              record name.  By default the record name is the name of the
              directory pointed to by the share point record.  This directory
              is specified by the <path> when the record is created.


           /usr/sbin/sharing -a /SomePath/ShareThisDirectory

     This example shows how to create a share point for the directory

           /usr/sbin/sharing -e ShareThisDirectory -A SP1 -g 101

     This example shows how to edit the share point record created above,
     adding a customized name "SP1" for afp servies, and enabling guest access
     only for afp and smb.


     /usr/sbin/sharing                             location of tool

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