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man sncfggen(8)
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sncfggen(8)                                                        sncfggen(8)


       sncfggen  -  Generate a Xsan Volume configuration file from a reference
       configuration and a json input file


       sncfggen -f json_file -n VolName -r refconfig -p refpath [-d]

       sncfggen -h


       The sncfggen program will generate a  Xsan  file  system  configuration
       file  from a reference configuration file system and a json input file.
       The json file is written in JSON which is an open standard light weight
       data exchange language.

       The  json  file is required to contain a fileSystems section which con-
       tains an entry with a name that matches the file system  name.   Global
       variables  are  specified  as  key/value pairs.  These will replace the
       settings of those variables in the reference configuration.   The  json
       file  must also contain a stripeGroups section.  The stripeGroups array
       contains one entry for each stripe group and must contain the  name  of
       the  stripe  group.  In each stripe group the sgDisks array of disk la-
       bels must be present.  Sncfggen will generate a configuration file with
       the  file  system  name filled in, changes made to global variables and
       disk labels updated for the disks in the stripe groups.

       The new config file will be written to /Library/Preferences/Xsan.


       -h     Display usage.

       -f json_file
              Required. Specify the json input file.

       -r refconfig
              Required. Specify the fs name  of  the  reference  configuration
              file system.

       -p refpath
              Required.  Specify the file path to reference configuration file

       -n VolName
              Required. The name of the file system whose config is to be gen-

       -d     Optional. Turn on debug mode.


       sncfggen will return 0 on success and non-zero on failure.


       List usage:

          # sncfggen -h
          usage sncfggen -h
                sncfggen -f json file -r refconfig -p refpath -n fsname -d
                          -h              # display usage
                          -f json_file    # json file to load
                          -r refconfig    # refconfig fs name
                          -p refpath      # refconfig file path
                          -n fsname       # new file system name
                          -d              # turn on debug mode

       Generate  /Library/Preferences/Xsan/sl1.cfgx  from  /tmp/refconfig.cfgx
       and json input file json_file.

          # sncfggen -f /tmp/json_file -r refconfig -p /tmp/refconfig.cfgx -n sl1
          Successfully generated configuration file /Library/Preferences/Xsan/sl1.cfgx.

       Example json file.

          # cat json_file
              "fileSystems": [
                      "name": "sl1",
                      "bufferCacheSize": 4294967296,
                      "fileLocks": false,
                      "quotas": true,
                      "stripeGroups": [
                              "sgName": "sg0",
                              "sgDisks": [
                              "sgName": "sg1",
                              "sgDisks": [
                              "sgName": "sg2",
                              "sgDisks": [



Xsan File System                 October 2014                      sncfggen(8)

Mac OS X 10.12.3 - Generated Fri Feb 10 08:24:09 CST 2017
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