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     sso_util -- Kerberos -- Open Directory Single Sign On


     sso_util command [-args]


     sso_util is a tool for setting up, interrogating and tearing down Ker-
     beros configurations within the Apple Single Sign On environment. This
     tool can configure services, create and consume encrypted config records
     and tear down Kerberos installations

     Commands for sso_util :

     info [-p] [-g | -l | -L | -r dir_node_path | -s [-R record_name] [-a]
              Returns information about the current Single Sign On environment

              info command arguments:

              -p       Returns the data in XML format

              -g       Returns the default Kerberos realm name

              -l       Returns a list of the services sso_util knows how to

              -L       Returns the default Kerberos log file paths

              -r dir_node_path
                       Looks in the given node and returns wether or not it
                       has a Kerberos record associated with it and if so
                       returns the default realm name.  if dir_node_path is
                       '.' (default) it also returns all the realm names
                       available on the search path

              -s       Returns information relating to the secure config
                       record attached to a given computer record in the

              -R       Provides the name of the computer record to retrive the
                       secure config record info from

              -a       Requests all the available information on the secure
                       config record

                       specifies the directory node in which to search for the
                       computer record

     remove [-k [-a admin_name [-p password]] [-d]
              Tears down a Kerberos KDC

              remove command arguments:

              -k       removes both the krb5kdc and kadmind processes, and
                       their attendant data and config information

              -a       If the admin name is present, sso_util will attempt to
                       remove the kdc from the list of KDCs in the Ker-
                       berosClient config record in the default directory node

              -d       Removes the kadmind process. It does not alter any
                       other data

     configure -r REALM -a admin_name [-p password] service
              Configures Kerberized serivces on the local machine for the
              given realm

              configure command arguments:

              -r REALM
                       Kerberos realm for the service principals

              -a admin_name
                       Account name of an administrator authorized to make
                       changes in the Kerberos database

              -p password
                       Password for the above administrator

              service  Service can be any number of afp, ftp, imap, pop, smtp,
                       ssh, or all

     generateconfig -r REALM -R record_name -f dir_node_path -U user_list -a
              admin_name [-p password] service
              Creates a secure config record and attaches it to a computer
              record in the given directory

              configure command arguments:

              -r REALM
                       Kerberos realm for the service principals

              -R record_name
                       Name of the Computer record to attach the secure config
                       record to

              -f dir_node_path
                       specifies the directory node in which to find the given
                       computer record

              -U user_list
                       Comma separated list of users authorized to use the
                       secure config record. The users must be in the same
                       passwords server as the admin

              -a admin_name
                       Account name of an administrator authorized to make
                       changes in the Kerberos database and also authorized to
                       make changes in the directory node specified by -f

              -p password
                       Password for the above administrator

              service  Service can be any number of afp, ftp, imap, pop, smtp,
                       ssh, or all

     useconfig [-u] [-R record_name] [-f dir_node_path] -a admin_name [-p
              Uses a secure config record to configure a server for Kerberos

              configure command arguments:

              -u       Forces the update, ignoring that the update may already
                       have been installed

              -R record_name
                       Name of the Computer record contining the secure config

              -f dir_node_path
                       Specifies the directory node in which to find the given
                       computer record

              -a admin_name
                       Account name of an user authorized to use the secure
                       config record (see generateconfig )

              -p password
                       Password for the above user


     To configure a server in realm FOO.COM when you have the kerberos admin-
     istrators password

     sso_util configure -r FOO.COM -a kerberos_admin -p password all

     To create a secure config record to allow the delegated admins, fred and
     barney, to configure a server named in realm FOO.COM (using
     an existing computer record). The Open Directory Master for is This can be run on any server and neither fred nor bar-
     ney need to have the Kerberos administrators password

     sso_util generateconfig -r FOO.COM -R -f /LDAPv3/odmas-  -U fred,barney -a kerberos_admin -p password all

     To use the secure config record to allow barney to configure the server

     sso_util useconfig -R -f /LDAPv3/ -a barney
     -p barneys_password


     /etc/krb5.keytab  The configure and useconfig commnads create or modify
                       the krb5.keytab file.


     You can add -v debug_level to any of the sso_util commands. Debug level 1
     provides status information, higher levels add progressivly more levels
     of detail.


     The sso_util tool is used by the Apple Single Sign On system to set up
     Kerberized services integrated with the rest of the Single Sign On compo-


     kerberos(1), kerberosautoconfig(8), kdcsetup(8), krbservicesetup(8),

Darwin                           June 12, 2008                          Darwin

Mac OS X 10.4 Server - Generated Thu Jun 12 20:00:31 CDT 2008
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