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man systemsetup(8)
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systemsetup(8)            BSD System Manager's Manual           systemsetup(8)


     systemsetup -- configuration tool for certain machine settings in System


     systemsetup [-getdate] [-setdate mm:dd:yy] [-gettime] [-settime hh:mm:ss]
                 [-gettimezone] [-listtimezones] [-settimezone timezone]
                 [-getusingnetworktime] [-setusingnetworktime on | off]
                 [-getnetworktimeserver] [-setnetworktimeserver timeserver]
                 [-getsleep] [-setsleep minutes] [-getcomputersleep]
                 [-setcomputersleep minutes] [-getdisplaysleep]
                 [-setdisplaysleep minutes] [-getharddisksleep]
                 [-setharddisksleep minutes] [-getwakeonmodem]
                 [-setwakeonmodem on | off] [-getwakeonnetworkaccess]
                 [-setwakeonnetworkaccess on | off] [-getrestartpowerfailure]
                 [-setrestartpowerfailure on | off] [-getrestartfreeze]
                 [-setrestartfreeze on | off]
                 [-setallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer on | off]
                 [-getremotelogin] [-setremotelogin on | off]
                 [-getremoteappleevents] [-setremoteappleevents on | off]
                 [-getcomputername] [-setcomputername computername]
                 [-getstartupdisk] [-liststartupdisks] [-setstartupdisk path]
                 [-setwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure value]
                 [-setdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged yes | no]
                 [-version] [-help] [-printCommands]


     The systemsetup command is used to configure certain per-machine settings
     typically configured in the System Preferences application.  The
     systemsetup command requires at least "admin" privileges to run.

     A list of flags and their descriptions:

             Displays the current date.

     -setdate mm:dd:yy
             Use this command to set the current month, day, and year.

             Displays the current time in 24-hour format.

     -settime hh:mm:ss
             Sets the current time. The provided time argument should be in
             24-hour format.

             Displays current time zone.

             Lists all time zones supported by this machine.

     -settimezone timezone
             Use this command to set the local time zone. Use "-listtimezones"
             to list valid timezone arguments.

             Displays whether network time is on or off.

     -setusingnetworktime on | off
             Sets whether using network time is on or off.

             Displays the currently set network time server.

     -setnetworktimeserver timeserver
             Use this command to designate a network time server. Enter the IP
             address or DNS name for the network time server.

             Displays amount of idle time until machine sleeps.

     -setsleep minutes
             Sets amount of idle time until computer sleeps. Specify "Never"
             or "Off" for computers that should never sleep. Important: if you
             set the system to sleep, you will not be able to administer the
             server remotely while it is sleeping.

             Display amount of idle time until computer sleeps.

     -setcomputersleep minutes
             Set amount of idle time until computer sleeps. Specify "Never" or
             "Off" for never.

             Display amount of idle time until display sleeps.

     -setdisplaysleep minutes
             Set amount of idle time until display sleeps. Specify "Never" or
             "Off" for never.

             Display amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps. Specify
             "Never" or "Off" for never.

             Set amount of idle time until hard disk sleeps. Specify "Never"
             or "Off" for never.

             Displays whether wake on modem is on or off.

     -setwakeonmodem on | off
             Use this command to specify whether or not the server will wake
             from sleep when modem activity is detected.

             Displays whether wake on network access is on or off.

     -setwakeonnetworkaccess on | off
             Use this command to specify whether the server wakes from sleep
             when a network admin packet is sent to it.

             Displays whether restart on power failure is on or off.

     -setrestartpowerfailure on | off
             Use this command to specify whether the server automatically
             restarts after a power failure.

             Displays whether restart on freeze is on or off.

     -setrestartfreeze on | off
             Use this command to specify whether the server restarts automati-
             cally after the system freezes.

             Enable or disable whether the power button can sleep the com-

     -setallowpowerbuttontosleepcomputer on | off
             Enable or disable whether the power button can sleep the com-

             Displays whether remote login (SSH) is on or off.

     -setremotelogin [-f] on | off
             Sets remote login (SSH) to either on or off. Important  If you
             turn off remote login, you won't be able to administer the server
             using remote command line tools and SSH. To turn remote login
             back on, you'll need to connect a monitor and keyboard to the
             server to administer it locally. Use "setremotelogin -f off" to
             suppress prompting when turning remote login off.

             Displays whether remote apple events are on or off.

     -setremoteappleevents on | off
             Use this command to set whether the server responds to events
             sent by other computers (such as AppleScripts).

             Displays computer name.

     -setcomputername computername
             Sets computer name to <computername>. This name is used by AFP
             and AppleTalk.

             Display local subnet name.

     -setlocalsubnetname name
             Set local subnet name to <name>.

             Displays current startup disk.

             Lists all valid startup disks on this computer.

     -setstartupdisk path
             Sets current startup disk to the indicated path. Valid arguments
             can be listed using "-liststartupdisks."

             Get the number of seconds after which the computer will start up
             after a power failure.

     -setwaitforstartupafterpowerfailure seconds
             Set the number of seconds after which the computer will start up
             after a power failure. The <seconds> value must be a multiple of
             30 seconds.

             Get whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X
             Serve enclosure lock is engaged.

     -setdisablekeyboardwhenenclosurelockisengaged yes | no
             Set whether or not the keyboard should be disabled when the X
             Serve enclosure lock is engaged.

             Displays version of systemsetup tool.

     -help   Displays a list of all the commands available in the System Setup
             Tool, with explanatory information.

             Displays a list of commands with no detail.


     systemsetup -setdate 04:15:02

     systemsetup -settime 16:20:00

     systemsetup -settimezone US/Pacific

     systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver





Mac OS                          April 15, 2002                          Mac OS

Mac OS X 10.4 Server - Generated Thu Jun 12 20:00:31 CDT 2008
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